February 14, 2007

I love DMC and am (slowly) getting used to doing some programming in ASM as
well.  I am trying to figure out that processor speed by using rdtsc and then
keeping a counter outside of that.
The problem I run into is that for some reason I can't correctly get the BIOS
tick count on two separate Intel machines.  I have tried a crap load of
different ways to reference the same memory.
Here is the code and the output is the same number over and over no matter how
many times I run the program.  Your help getting my head "out" would be much
appreciated.  BTW, I took this example code from the Intel CPU identification
and CPUID instruction document.

	static unsigned int SEG_BIOS_DATA_AREA = 0x040;
	static unsigned int OFFSET_TICK_COUNT = 0x06c;
unsigned int testVal;
			pop es
// The BIOS tick count updates
			mov ebx, DWORD PTR es:[esi]
// ~ 18.2 times per second.
			mov testVal,ebx
printf("Time Value:%u",testVal);
February 16, 2007

Arthur Becker schrieb...
> I love DMC and am (slowly) getting used to doing some programming in ASM as
> well.  I am trying to figure out that processor speed by using rdtsc and then
> keeping a counter outside of that.
> The problem I run into is that for some reason I can't correctly get the BIOS
> tick count on two separate Intel machines.  I have tried a crap load of
> different ways to reference the same memory.
> Here is the code and the output is the same number over and over no matter how
> many times I run the program.  Your help getting my head "out" would be much
> appreciated.  BTW, I took this example code from the Intel CPU identification
> and CPUID instruction document.
> 	static unsigned int SEG_BIOS_DATA_AREA = 0x040;
> 	static unsigned int OFFSET_TICK_COUNT = 0x06c;
> unsigned int testVal;
> asm
> {
> 			pop es
> 			mov esi, OFFSET_TICK_COUNT
> // The BIOS tick count updates
> 			mov ebx, DWORD PTR es:[esi]
> // ~ 18.2 times per second.
> 			mov testVal,ebx
> }
> printf("Time Value:%u",testVal);

Which memory model do you use? This example will not work with the DOS extented (Option -mx) or as a Windows  application.

If you compile this example with dmc -ms t.c you will get the ticker:

/****************  t.c ***********************/
#include <stdio.h>

unsigned int GetBiosTicker()
{  unsigned int btick;
   asm {
      mov   ax,0x0040
      mov   es,ax
      mov   si,0x006c
      mov   ax,es:[si]
      mov   btick,ax
   return btick;

int main()
{  printf("Bios-Tick = %u\n", GetBiosTicker());
   return 0;
/**************** end t.c ***********************/

- Heinz