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One More Vote for 'foreach'
Oct 03, 2002
Russ Lewis
Oct 03, 2002
Mark Evans
Oct 03, 2002
Sean L. Palmer
Oct 03, 2002
Evan McClanahan
Oct 04, 2002
Oct 04, 2002
Mark Evans
Oct 04, 2002
Oct 04, 2002
Oct 04, 2002
Mike Wynn
Oct 04, 2002
Oct 04, 2002
Mike Wynn
Oct 04, 2002
Oct 05, 2002
Burton Radons
Oct 05, 2002
Mark Evans
Oct 05, 2002
Oct 05, 2002
Mark Evans
Oct 05, 2002
Patrick Down
Oct 04, 2002
Oct 07, 2002
Oct 07, 2002
October 03, 2002
Now that I'm actually doing D programming, I must say that I think "foreach" to be a nearly essential programming construct.  D's arrays really change the way I go about things...now almost everything that isn't structured data ends up in an array or associative array.  That means I iterate through my arrays A LOT.  That's where foreach would be great.

Sometimes, you want to also want to actually manipulate the array you're "foreach"ing through, though.  It would be very nice to be able to extract the array index of your current "foreach" variable from it.  My thought is to add a special property, returning uint, that only applies to variables defined by "foreach" constructs: 'foreach_index'.

    MyClass[] array;
    foreach(cur in array)
            printf("Index %d matched 'stuff'.\n", cur.foreach_index);

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.[ (the fox.(quick,brown)) jumped.over(the dog.lazy) ]
.[ (a version.of(English).(precise.more)) is(possible) ]
?[ you want.to(help(develop(it))) ]

October 03, 2002
I vote in favor of all iteration features.  STL offers foreach as an algorithm. Walter mentioned that he is brewing ideas for STL-like iterators.

The proposed foreach corresponds to Mathematica's MapIndexed.  One of the major reasons I use Mathematica in daily work is this sort of facility with data arrays.  Mathematica's Map functions are one of its major benefits.  (Some people like MATLAB / O-Matrix / Octave for similar reasons.)

I don't say that D should incorporate these features as they exist in other languages, but only that array manipulation / iteration / indexing is a very critical capability.  The more of it the better. It is not limited to numerical work. It applies everywhere. Arrays are universal data structures.

Mathematica is expression-based so the Map functions all return a modified array expression.  The language offers Scan to perform in-place array modifications.

I won't even delve into Table, Range, Array, Part, Nest, Fold, Select, Cases, and other marvelous contraptions.  Flatten and Partition are worthy of note. They effectively re-dimension arrays.

All this power makes me feel homesick when I'm stuck with STL.  Mathematica is interpreted and I know not whether a compiled language can approach such expressive power.  I do know that these features let me walk on water in comparison to STL.  I would fall in love with D if it had them.


"Map[f, expr] ... applies f to each element on the first level in
expr. Map[f, expr, levelspec] applies f to parts of expr specified by

"MapAll[f, expr] ... applies f to every subexpression in expr."

"MapAt[f, expr, n] applies f to the element at position n in expr. If n is
negative, the position is counted from the end. MapAt[f, expr, {i, j, ... }]
applies f to the part of expr at position {i, j, ... }. MapAt[f, expr, {{i1,
j1, ... }, {i2, j2, ... }, ... }] applies f to parts of expr at several

"MapIndexed[f, expr] applies f to the elements of expr, giving the part
specification of each element as a second argument to f. MapIndexed[f, expr,
levspec] applies f to all parts of expr on levels specified by levspec."

"MapThread[f, {{a1, a2, ... }, {b1, b2, ... }, ... }] gives {f[a1, b1, ... ],
f[a2, b2, ... ], ... }. MapThread[f, {expr1, expr2, ... }, n] applies f to
the parts of the expri at level n."

Level specifications

The level in an expression corresponding to a non-negative integer n is defined to consist of parts specified by n indices. A negative level number -n represents all parts of an expression that have depth n. The depth of an expression, Depth[expr], is the maximum number of indices needed to specify any part, plus one. Levels do not include heads of expressions, except with the option setting Heads -> True. Level 0 is the whole expression. Level -1 contains all symbols and other objects that have no subparts.

Functions with level specifications visit different subexpressions in an order that corresponds to depth-first traversal of the expression tree, with leaves visited before roots. The subexpressions visited have part specifications which occur in an order which is lexicographic, except that longer sequences appear before shorter ones.

n = levels 1 through n
Infinity = levels 1 through Infinity
{n} = level n only
{n1,n2} = levels n1 through n2

October 03, 2002
Definitely some kind of foreach is crucial.

Maybe a more pointer-like syntax.  Or a more for-like syntax.

What we want is the equivalent of

for (uint i=0; i<a.size; ++i) expr(a[i]);

where expr is any functional expression which can make any use of the supplied a[i] that it wants.  a and b are arrays, i and j are index pointers.

Clean that up and make the index automatic.  Note that inside expr, i refers to a[i]

for (i in a) i = sqrt(i-a);

Clean.  But take that up a notch to:

for (i in a,b) a[i] = sqrt(b[i]);

Tangled, back into explicit indexing.

Something explicitly parallel can have no knowledge of any other unit of work done to any other part of the array.  If it does you have filters or data moves.  But those are usually highly sensitive to the order you traverse.

However lots of stuff doesn't care what order you do it in.

So there are several kinds of foreach, either unordered, forward, or backward

We also want to be able to represent multidimensional foreach like so:

for (i in a,c[*][])
    for (j in b,c[][*])

So that's a pretty complicated problem, how to turn for into something that'll handle anything either forward or backward, any range or subslice, in and across any number of dimensions.  That's going to be interesting to see.

What would it look like?

for (a[i], b[j], out c[i][j])
    c[i][j] = a[i] * b[j];

I don't know why I threw the out in there.  Maybe that makes sense.  Maybe it doesn't.  Anyway I think I'm getting off track.

for (i,j)
    c[i][j] = a[i] * b[j];

That's what we want, I think.

For loop variables with no type or range use the capacity of the array[s] they're used to index within the controlled expression.  For these type of for loops, the control index variables must be used as array indices within the controlled expression.

What about direction?

An upward memory move:

for (i++)
    a[i] = a[i-1]; // oops.. range access violation!!!

Ok maybe a safer one:

for (i : a.size-1 to 1)
    a[i] = a[i-1];

Syntax design is hard.  I should probably start with the semantics.  ;)

But you get the idea.  Something as powerful as for, just easier to use. For the cases where you wouldn't need to fill in all the blanks in a normal for statement, or would use a standard pattern such as

for (uint i=0; i<a.size; ++i) expr(a[i]);


for (int i = a.size; --i >= 0; ) expr(a[i]);

or STL's way:

for (a[].type* p = a[0], e = a[a.size]; p < e; ++p) expr(*p);

We want D's pattern for this to be MUCH more elegant.

And a way to concisely write a multidimensional matrix operation would be nice.  Vector and matrix operations.

template(int x)
    float inner(float[x] a, float[x] b)
        float f = 0;
        for (i : 0 .. x-1)
            f += a[i] * b[i];
        return f;
    void outer(out float[x][x] c, float[x] a, float[x] b)
        for (i,j)
            c[i][j] = a[i] * b[j];

Why do we have to use indexes at all in the expression why can't we just name the iterating dimensions?

for (a[i],b[j],c[i][j])
    c = a * b;

I guess dimensions used more than once have to match in size.  Being able to quickly construct an array that's got compatible dimensions with some other array might be a nice feature.

Most out-of-bounds array accesses could be caught at compile time with a nice enough for construct, one that knew the sizes of everything used and could choose the ones with the smallest constraints on the resulting range.

int a[2], b[3];
for (i) a[i] = b[i]; // should this be an error, or should it use a's
smaller range?

Maybe one of those syntactic experiments will gel with somebody.  ;)


"Russ Lewis" <spamhole-2001-07-16@deming-os.org> wrote in message news:3D9BC26F.C26DBE8E@deming-os.org...
> Now that I'm actually doing D programming, I must say that I think "foreach" to be a nearly essential programming construct.  D's arrays really change the way I go about things...now almost everything that isn't structured data ends up in an array or associative array.  That means I iterate through my arrays A LOT.  That's where foreach would be great.
> Sometimes, you want to also want to actually manipulate the array you're "foreach"ing through, though.  It would be very nice to be able to extract the array index of your current "foreach" variable from it.  My thought is to add a special property, returning uint, that only applies to variables defined by "foreach" constructs: 'foreach_index'.
>     MyClass[] array;
>     foreach(cur in array)
>     {
>         if(cur.stuff())
>             printf("Index %d matched 'stuff'.\n", cur.foreach_index);
>     }
> --
> The Villagers are Online! http://villagersonline.com
> .[ (the fox.(quick,brown)) jumped.over(the dog.lazy) ]
> .[ (a version.of(English).(precise.more)) is(possible) ]
> ?[ you want.to(help(develop(it))) ]

October 03, 2002
I'll second or third or n-th this suggestion.  Sean's ideas about syntax are interesting, but I'm not sure that I would vote for any particular one.  There needs to be something, and for what I would be using it for, a simple foreach that addressed directionality of access in some way would be sufficient.  Hashes would be harder, especially when it comes to performance.  I'm most comfortable with the perl idiom of pulling out a list of keys (with the option of sorting it in some arbitrary manner) and then iterating through that to get at the values of the hash, but I know that it's dog slow, so if that knid of thing even makes it into the language, I wouldn't want it to be the default, by any means.  For the records, I'm a game developer, so I fall in the middle of the road in terms of the coding speed vs. performance debate, perhaps tipped a little towards performance.


Russ Lewis wrote:
> Now that I'm actually doing D programming, I must say that I think
> "foreach" to be a nearly essential programming construct.  D's arrays
> really change the way I go about things...now almost everything that
> isn't structured data ends up in an array or associative array.  That
> means I iterate through my arrays A LOT.  That's where foreach would be
> great.
> Sometimes, you want to also want to actually manipulate the array you're
> "foreach"ing through, though.  It would be very nice to be able to
> extract the array index of your current "foreach" variable from it.  My
> thought is to add a special property, returning uint, that only applies
> to variables defined by "foreach" constructs: 'foreach_index'.
>     MyClass[] array;
>     foreach(cur in array)
>     {
>         if(cur.stuff())
>             printf("Index %d matched 'stuff'.\n", cur.foreach_index);
>     }

October 04, 2002
"Russ Lewis" <spamhole-2001-07-16@deming-os.org> wrote in message news:3D9BC26F.C26DBE8E@deming-os.org...
> Now that I'm actually doing D programming, I must say that I think "foreach" to be a nearly essential programming construct.  D's arrays really change the way I go about things...now almost everything that isn't structured data ends up in an array or associative array.  That means I iterate through my arrays A LOT.  That's where foreach would be great.

I think you're right. I've been thinking about adding it in. I was thinking along the lines of:

    foo a[];    // foo is some type
    foo v;

    for (v in a)
        .. do something with v ..

Initially, 'a' could be arrays only. Later, 'a' could be a class that supports an Iterator interface. If 'a' has an order, the values are returned in that order, otherwise the order is unspecified (regular arrays have an order, associative arrays do not). It would be illegal to add or remove objects from 'a' within the loop.

> Sometimes, you want to also want to actually manipulate the array you're "foreach"ing through, though.  It would be very nice to be able to extract the array index of your current "foreach" variable from it.  My thought is to add a special property, returning uint, that only applies to variables defined by "foreach" constructs: 'foreach_index'.
>     MyClass[] array;
>     foreach(cur in array)
>     {
>         if(cur.stuff())
>             printf("Index %d matched 'stuff'.\n", cur.foreach_index);
>     }

I think that if you're using foreach, you shouldn't be dependent on the order or on the particular lookup mechanism of the array/collection/whatever being looped on.

October 04, 2002
>I think that if you're using foreach, you shouldn't be dependent on the order or on the particular lookup mechanism of the array/collection/whatever being looped on.

Walter - sometimes the index itself is an encoded piece of information, and has utility as such.  I use such a trick in Mathematica and in C all the time.


October 04, 2002
Walter wrote:
> I think that if you're using foreach, you shouldn't be dependent on the
> order or on the particular lookup mechanism of the array/collection/whatever
> being looped on.

Not a terribly experience programmer, but:

A lot of people seem to place significance on the ordering of the index of an associative array.  My example is the common Perl code
foreach $foo (sort keys %aHash ) { ... }

But maybe Perl features aren't what people are looking for in D.


October 04, 2002
"Mark Evans" <Mark_member@pathlink.com> wrote in message news:aniroq$26ea$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> >I think that if you're using foreach, you shouldn't be dependent on the order or on the particular lookup mechanism of the
> >being looped on.
> Walter - sometimes the index itself is an encoded piece of information,
and has
> utility as such.  I use such a trick in Mathematica and in C all the time.

Yes, I agree, but I suggest that using a regular for loop would be more appropriate for that purpose. I have a good reason for saying that. Many people transform loops like:

    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
        v = a[i];


    foo *pmax = &a[a.length];
    for (foo *p = &a[0]; p < pmax; p++)
        v = *p;

for runtime efficiency purposes. There is no index used (yes you can derive
one from (p - &a[0])). Using the foreach instead:

    for (v in a)

means that the compiler can select the optimal loop traversal algorithm based on the target machine. Requiring it to produce an index means that people will go back to the ugly pointer optimization loop. Note that the pointer optimization version loses all array bounds checking help. Note also that the foreach version *does not need to do* array bounds checking in the loop body!

October 04, 2002
"Chris" <cl@nopressedmeat.tinfoilhat.ca> wrote in message news:3D9D39D6.2040400@nopressedmeat.tinfoilhat.ca...
> Walter wrote:
> >
> > I think that if you're using foreach, you shouldn't be dependent on the order or on the particular lookup mechanism of the
> > being looped on.
> >
> Not a terribly experience programmer, but:
> A lot of people seem to place significance on the ordering of the index
> of an associative array.  My example is the common Perl code
> foreach $foo (sort keys %aHash ) { ... }
> But maybe Perl features aren't what people are looking for in D.

I think this example show exactly what is require/expected,
foreach should iterate an array forward there is not need for an assoc array
my reason is simple, this covers both cases; those who don't care and those
who do

I would like to see 'foreach' used and not 'for' reused.
foreach ( <var> in <array_expr> ) <block>

to iterate backwards you an use
foreach( item in array.reverse ) { ... }
which I assume should be quite easy for the optimiser to detect and

for hashtables/assoc arrays by key
foreach( item in hash.keys ) { ... } if your not bothered by order
foreach( item in hash.keys.sort ) { ... } if you are bothered by order
or by value
foreach( item in hash.values) { ... } if your not bothered by order
foreach( item in hash.values.sort ) { ... } if you are bothered by order

again the optimiser should be able to detect some (if not all) of these
conditions and rearrange them
foreach( item in hash.keys ) { ... }can be reordered such in to the order
most efficient order for the hashtable (this does not contradict my later
statement about determanism because hash table key order IS ALWAYS non
determanistic (unlike array item order)).

if you want values in key order then you'll have the below code with
`hash[item]` to get the required item.
foreach( item in hash.keys.sort ) { hash[item] ... } if you are bothered by

I am not a fan of language features where the compiler has a chose on how to order things, that does not mean I disagree with instruction reordering within basic blocks, but that the result of code should be fully determanistic.

as an example here is some C/C++/Java code
a = 2;
if ( (c<9) || ((a = b) > 8) ) { b = 3; }

with old C compilers the value of a, if c was less than 9 was undefined, the
|| could be fully evaluated
with C++ (i belive) and Java || much only evaluate the rhs IFF the lhs is


October 04, 2002
Looks like a good way of doing this, I never though of using it with associative arrays. Parhaps it could be multi-leveled...

foo a[][];
foo z[];
foo v;

for(v in z in a) ...

"Walter" <walter@digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:aniqq3$25km$1@digitaldaemon.com...
> "Russ Lewis" <spamhole-2001-07-16@deming-os.org> wrote in message news:3D9BC26F.C26DBE8E@deming-os.org...
> > Now that I'm actually doing D programming, I must say that I think "foreach" to be a nearly essential programming construct.  D's arrays really change the way I go about things...now almost everything that isn't structured data ends up in an array or associative array.  That means I iterate through my arrays A LOT.  That's where foreach would be great.
> I think you're right. I've been thinking about adding it in. I was
> along the lines of:
>     foo a[];    // foo is some type
>     foo v;
>     for (v in a)
>     {
>         .. do something with v ..
>     }
> Initially, 'a' could be arrays only. Later, 'a' could be a class that supports an Iterator interface. If 'a' has an order, the values are
> in that order, otherwise the order is unspecified (regular arrays have an order, associative arrays do not). It would be illegal to add or remove objects from 'a' within the loop.
> > Sometimes, you want to also want to actually manipulate the array you're "foreach"ing through, though.  It would be very nice to be able to extract the array index of your current "foreach" variable from it.  My thought is to add a special property, returning uint, that only applies to variables defined by "foreach" constructs: 'foreach_index'.
> >
> >     MyClass[] array;
> >     foreach(cur in array)
> >     {
> >         if(cur.stuff())
> >             printf("Index %d matched 'stuff'.\n", cur.foreach_index);
> >     }
> I think that if you're using foreach, you shouldn't be dependent on the order or on the particular lookup mechanism of the
> being looped on.

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