Thread overview
Use template functions within mixin
Jun 06, 2017
Jun 06, 2017
Patrick Schluter
Jun 06, 2017
Jonathan M Davis
Jun 06, 2017
Ali Çehreli
Jun 07, 2017
June 06, 2017
Hey there,

I'm wondering how I can use a template function within my mixin:

                ubyte[] value = x[33, 3a,3f, d4];
                foreach (type; TypeTuple!("int", "unsigned int", "byte"))
                    mixin(`if (value.length == type.sizeof)
                                ubyte[type.sizeof] raw = value[0..$];
                                auto fValue = raw.littleEndianToNative!(type);

Error: template std.bitmanip.littleEndianToNative cannot deduce function from argument types !("int")(ubyte[8]), candidates are:
[..]\src\phobos\std\bitmanip.d(2560,3):        std.bitmanip.littleEndianToNative(T, uint n)(ubyte[n] val) if (canSwapEndianness!T && n == T.sizeof)

`raw.littleEndianToNative!` ~ type ~ `;`

neither works..

Any way to accomplish this?
June 06, 2017
On Tuesday, 6 June 2017 at 15:00:50 UTC, Timoses wrote:
> Hey there,
> I'm wondering how I can use a template function within my mixin:
> ```
>                 ubyte[] value = x[33, 3a,3f, d4];
>                 foreach (type; TypeTuple!("int", "unsigned int", "byte"))
>                 {
>                     mixin(`if (value.length == type.sizeof)
>                             {
>                                 ubyte[type.sizeof] raw = value[0..$];
>                                 auto fValue = raw.littleEndianToNative!(type);
>                                 displayinfo(fValue);
>                             }
>                             break;
>                         `);
>                 }
> ```
> Error: template std.bitmanip.littleEndianToNative cannot deduce function from argument types !("int")(ubyte[8]), candidates are:
> [..]\src\phobos\std\bitmanip.d(2560,3):        std.bitmanip.littleEndianToNative(T, uint n)(ubyte[n] val) if (canSwapEndianness!T && n == T.sizeof)
> ```
> `raw.littleEndianToNative!` ~ type ~ `;`
> ```
Did you also put the ` ~ type ~ ` on the 2 other cases where you use the variable type?

     mixin(`if (value.length == ` ~ type ~ `.sizeof)
                  ubyte[` ~ type ~ `.sizeof] raw = value[0..$];
                  auto fValue = raw.littleEndianToNative!(` ~ type ~ `);

June 06, 2017
On Tuesday, June 06, 2017 15:00:50 Timoses via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Hey there,
> I'm wondering how I can use a template function within my mixin:
> ```
>                  ubyte[] value = x[33, 3a,3f, d4];
>                  foreach (type; TypeTuple!("int", "unsigned int",
> "byte"))
>                  {
>                      mixin(`if (value.length == type.sizeof)
>                              {
>                                  ubyte[type.sizeof] raw =
> value[0..$];
>                                  auto fValue =
> raw.littleEndianToNative!(type);
>                                  displayinfo(fValue);
>                              }
>                              break;
>                          `);
>                  }
> ```
> Error: template std.bitmanip.littleEndianToNative cannot deduce
> function from argument types !("int")(ubyte[8]), candidates are:
> [..]\src\phobos\std\bitmanip.d(2560,3):
> std.bitmanip.littleEndianToNative(T, uint n)(ubyte[n] val) if
> (canSwapEndianness!T && n == T.sizeof)
> ```
> `raw.littleEndianToNative!` ~ type ~ `;`
> ```
> neither works..
> Any way to accomplish this?

Well, for starters, I see no reason to even use mixins here. Just do

    foreach(type; TypeTuple!(int, uint, byte))

and write the code normally. Also, unsigned int isn't a type in D. It's uint. And with what you have, mixing in "type.sizeof" is just going to result in getting size of the type string. You'd need to do something like "ubyte[" ~ type ~ "].sizeof] raw =" if you wanted to have the value of type mixed in. Also, FYI, TypeTuple was renamed to AliasSeq, so that's what's normally used now (though TypeTuple wasn't deprecated because of the amount of existing code that uses it, so it will still work).

In any case, there's really no reason to be using string mixins here. TypeTuple/AliasSeq and foreach will work with the actual types.

- Jonathan M Davis

June 06, 2017
Just import modules at local scopes. Here is something that works:

void displayinfo(T)(T v) {
    import std.stdio : writefln;
    writefln("%08x", v);

void foo() {
    import std.meta : AliasSeq;

    enum value = cast(ubyte[])x"33 3a 3f d4";
    foreach (type; AliasSeq!(int, uint, byte)) {
        static if (value.length == type.sizeof) {
            import std.bitmanip : littleEndianToNative;

            pragma(msg, "working with " ~ type.stringof);

            ubyte[type.sizeof] raw = value;
            auto fValue = raw.littleEndianToNative!type;

void main() {


June 07, 2017
On Tuesday, 6 June 2017 at 18:08:52 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> Just import modules at local scopes. Here is something that works:
> void displayinfo(T)(T v) {
>     import std.stdio : writefln;
>     writefln("%08x", v);
> }
> void foo() {
>     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
>     enum value = cast(ubyte[])x"33 3a 3f d4";
>     foreach (type; AliasSeq!(int, uint, byte)) {
>         static if (value.length == type.sizeof) {
>             import std.bitmanip : littleEndianToNative;
>             pragma(msg, "working with " ~ type.stringof);
>             ubyte[type.sizeof] raw = value;
>             auto fValue = raw.littleEndianToNative!type;
>             displayinfo(fValue);
>             break;
>         }
>     }
> }
> void main() {
>     foo();
> }
> Ali

Sorry, it was probably a bad example.
The value ubyte[] array read at run-time.

The way of Patrick Schluter works!

            void displayinfo(T)(T ff) {
            switch (varType)
                import std.meta;
                foreach (type; AliasSeq!("int", "uint", "byte"))
                    pragma(msg, type);
                    mixin(`case `~type~`.stringof:
                           if (value.length == `~type~`.sizeof)
                               ubyte[`~type~`.sizeof] raw = value[0..$];
                               auto fValue = raw.littleEndianToNative!(`~type~`);

I'm trying to detect whether the type is `uint`, but the following does not seem to work:
static if (is (type == uint))
    pragma(msg, "isi uint");

The reason is that I'd like to have the cases:
- `case "uint":`
- `case "unsigned int":`
for the uint loop turn.