June 23, 2004
The following code recurses (printing 'int' over and over) until the stack overflows:

    struct Empty;

    template TypeList(T, R) {
        struct TypeList {
            alias T Type;
            alias R Rest;

    template Blah(A, alias B, alias C) {
        void Blah() {
            .Blah!(A, B, C.Rest)();

    template Blah(A, alias B, C : Empty) {
        void Blah() {

    alias TypeList!(int, TypeList!(float, TypeList!(char, Empty))) TL;

    int main() {
        Blah!(Empty, main, TL)();
        return 0;

Changing the definition of TypeList to:

    template TypeList(T, R) {
        alias T Type;
        alias R Rest;

Causes an illegal operation and the error messages:

	template instance TypeList!(float,TypeList_aS6ttest25Empty) does not match any template declaration
	template instance TypeList!(float,TypeList_aS6ttest25Empty) cannot resolve forward reference

(that's it for now.  Honest)

 -- andy