June 12, 2005
Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
> http://www.mtwirefree.net/kbilling/d3d%20test.zip
> This is a small app that will attempt to create a Direct3D device using hardware vertex processing, and if that's not available, software vertex processing.  I'm hoping that this will maybe solve the problem last time nonagon was released, when some people were not able to run the program.
> Please reply, and tell me the following things:
> - What the message box said
> - Your video card and how much memory it has
> Thanks for your help.  Hopefully this fixes the problem, and if it doesn't, I'll have to try something else.
> Thanks to Maxime Larose for contacting me through email about this and testing some things for me. 

"HW VP Works"
ATI Radeon 9000, 32 MB (Laptop)
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