September 22, 2005
I was promped to try creating a Windows application in D recently and was struck by how complicated winsamp made it seem--no user should ever have to copy portions of proprietary runtime code (dmain2) to make her D app work.  This is an alternate method I cooked up that works equally well and show be a bit more portable:

# import;
# /*
#  * Pass on all the real work to the standard main function.
#  */
# extern (C) int main( int argc, char **argv );
# extern (Windows) int WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,
#         	                  HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
# 	                          LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
# 	                          int       nCmdShow )
# {
#     return main( 1, &lpCmdLine );
# }
# /*
#  * Define your D main function as usual.  This will be called through
#  * the extern(C) main function called above.  That's it!
#  */
# void main()
# {
# }

A working sample using this method (based on samples.d.winsamp bundled with DMD)
is available here:
