December 27, 2005

import std.stdio;
private import std.c.time;
public abstract class Form {
protected double radius;
protected abstract double berechneFlaeche();

public class Kreis : Form {
public double berechneFlaeche() {
return 3.14 * this.radius * this.radius;

int main( char[][] arg ) {
//Form kreis = new Kreis();
Kreis kreis = new Kreis();
writefln("Kreisflaeche = %f",kreis.berechneFlaeche());

return 0;

I can instantiate kreis with
Form kreis = new Kreis();
Kreis kreis = new Kreis();
I get the same output:
Kreisflaeche = 12.560000

Is there any difference to do that?

December 27, 2005
> I can instantiate kreis with
> Form kreis = new Kreis();
> and
> Kreis kreis = new Kreis();
> I get the same output:
> Kreisflaeche = 12.560000
> Is there any difference to do that?

No there is no difference in initialization. Only the "new Kreis()" is the initialization. The assignment is only an assignment of a reference with an optional/implicite cast.


D goes real-time: