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Default template type for class?
Dec 04, 2012
Dec 04, 2012
Adam D. Ruppe
Dec 04, 2012
Adam D. Ruppe
December 04, 2012
I have a class

static class myclass(T)
   static void myfunc();

which I have to call like myclass!Q.myfunc();

How can I create a default type so that I can call it like myclass.myfunc()?

I've tried

static class myclass(T = int) and (alias T = int), neither worked.

December 04, 2012
> How can I create a default type so that I can call it like myclass.myfunc()?

Can't do that. Best you can do is myclass!().myfunc, then it will use the default type (write it is (T = int) bw) but you have to put in the !() to actually use the template.

There's a patch for the compiler to change this, but the compiler devs are split on if it is actually a good idea or not, because of a few cases, one I remember is:

template foo(T = int) {}

alias foo bar; // is bar == foo or is bar == foo!int ?

bar!float; // legal or illegal? It is legal today, but with the patch it becomes questionable
December 04, 2012
BTW you can do:

class myclass_custom(T = int) {}

alias myclass_custom!int myclass;

Then use myclass.whatever and you get int. If you want a custom type then, you'd use the other name (myclass_custom!ubyte for instance)