Thread overview
Few thoughts
Mar 04, 2008
Mar 04, 2008
Mar 04, 2008
Mar 04, 2008
Frank Benoit
Mar 04, 2008
Re: Few thoughts, ping Bobef/Frank
Mar 09, 2008
Mar 09, 2008
Frank Benoit
March 04, 2008
I have used DWT for some days and here are my thoughts:

"" must be the same as null . Feels more natural in D.

Adding listeners is unnatural too. addListener(...,new class Listener(void handleEvent(Event e){..}})); .... come on.. I have brought this up about Tioport too. I think DwtShawn's way is the right one. I can contribute some code. Multi handlers would be general handler for multiple type of events (ie Event). SingleHandlers could be used for non-general events that are used in some places:

class MultiHandlers(EVENTYPE=uint,RETURNTYPE=bool,DELEGATE...)
	struct HANDLER
		RETURNTYPE delegate(DELEGATE,Object) dg;
		Object param;

	bool add(EVENTYPE event,RETURNTYPE delegate(DELEGATE,Object) dg,Object param=null)
		if(!dg) return false;
		auto a=event in handlers;
		if(a) *a~=HANDLER(dg,param);
		else handlers[event]=[HANDLER(dg,param)];
		return true;

	void del(EVENTYPE event){handlers.remove(event);}

	bool del(EVENTYPE event,RETURNTYPE delegate(DELEGATE,Object) dg)
		if(!dg) return false;
		auto a=event in handlers;
				if(d.dg is dg)
					if((*a).length==1) handlers.remove(event);
						if(i==0) *a=(*a)[1..$];
						else if(i==(*a).length-1) *a=(*a)[0..i];
						else *a=(*a)[0..i]~(*a)[i+1..$];
						return true;
		return false;

	bool toggle(EVENTYPE event,RETURNTYPE delegate(DELEGATE,Object) dg)
		if(!del(event,dg)) return add(event,dg);

	bool call(EVENTYPE event,DELEGATE data)
		auto a=event in handlers;
			static if(is(RETURNTYPE == void)) foreach(d;*a)
				static if(data.length)
					scope(exit) data[0].param=null;
			else foreach(d;*a)
				static if(data.length)
					scope(exit) data[0].param=null;
				if(d.dg(data)) return true;
		return false;

	bool canHandle(EVENTYPE event){return (event in handlers) !is null;}

	HANDLER[][EVENTYPE] handlers;

class SingleHandlers(RETURNTYPE=bool,DATA...)
	struct HANDLER
		RETURNTYPE delegate(DATA) dg;
		Object param;

	bool add(RETURNTYPE delegate(DATA) dg,Object param=null)
		if(!dg) return false;
		return true;

	void del(){delete handlers; handlers=null;}

	bool del(RETURNTYPE delegate(DATA) dg)
		if(!dg) return false;
		tango.core.Array.removeIf(/*pseudo code*/ {foreach(h;handlers) h.dg is dg;} )

	bool toggle(RETURNTYPE delegate(DATA) dg)
		if(!del(dg)) return add(dg);

	bool call(DATA data)
		static if(is(RETURNTYPE == void)) foreach(d;handlers)
			static if(data.length)
				scope(exit) data[0].param=null;
		else foreach(d;handlers)
			static if(data.length)
				scope(exit) data[0].param=null;
			if(d.dg(data)) return true;
		return false;

	HANDLER[] handlers;

add something like in Widget (and where appropriate)

MultiHandlers!(int,void,Event) mHandlers;

bool handleEvent(void delegate(Event) dg,Object param=null)
	if(mHandlers is null) mHandlers=new MultiHandlers!(int,void,Event);
	return mHandlers.add(dg,param);

bool unhandleEvent(void delegate(Event) dg)
	if(mHandlers) return mHandlers.del(dg);
	return false;

These things (or something similar) could be mixed in to keep the changes from SWT minimal and be easier to port and share the stuff between linux/windows.

The rest is to mess with the code where event comes add do something like if(mHandlers && mHandlers.canHandle(type));

The easy way is to add filter in the display but this is kind of ugly...

Anyway this is just a suggestion.
March 04, 2008
And what I wrote about the listeners also apply to Runnable.
March 04, 2008
Oh, and dwt.internal.win32.WINAPI.TIMERPROC should be




Seems that it is not used anyway...
March 04, 2008
Yes i think you are right,
i was trying to get around that for some time :)

Can we make use of tango.core.Signal here ?

Are you interested in doing the implementation in dwt-win & dwt-linux ?
March 04, 2008
Frank Benoit Wrote:

> Yes i think you are right,
> i was trying to get around that for some time :)
> Can we make use of tango.core.Signal here ?

I don't know what that is.

> Are you interested in doing the implementation in dwt-win & dwt-linux ?

I would like to, but I don't have the time right now. Right now, for me, it is faster to use the standard SWT syntax than implementing a new one. Maybe in the future if this is still not implemented...
March 09, 2008
Frank Benoit schrieb:
> Yes i think you are right,
> i was trying to get around that for some time :)
> Can we make use of tango.core.Signal here ?

I think it is doable.

A win specific snippet follows, hopefully good enough as example.

Bobef :
Signals & Slots are a means of broadcasting an event to multiple listeners.
( So I wonder : does it really make sense ? )

snippet :
import tango.core.Signal;

struct MultiDispatch(Key)
    alias void delegate() Dg;

    void attach( Key k, Dg dg )
        m_map[k] = dg;

    void opCall( Key k )
        auto dg = k in m_map;
        if( dg !is null )
    Dg[Key] m_map;

class MyClass
    void onClose()


    MultiDispatch!(int) signal;

        signal.attach( WM_CLOSE, &onClose );


auto c = new MyClass;
c.signal( WM_CLOSE );

The forum thread at :

Frank :
Bobef's HTMLayout implementation/wrapper is similar to Eclipse forms. (More flexible, but unfortunately Win only.)

HTH Bjoern
March 09, 2008
Bjoern schrieb:
> The forum thread at :

Thanks for the information and the link.
I have put this on the todo list.

If someone wants to do the dwt-win/dwt-linux implementation, please contact me directly in irc or by email.