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Using template typetuples?
Jan 12, 2011
Sean Eskapp
Jan 12, 2011
Simen kjaeraas
Jan 12, 2011
Sean Eskapp
Jan 12, 2011
Sean Eskapp
January 12, 2011
The language documentation covers some basic uses of TypeTuples in templates, but nothing about using them with classes. I would like a template class, which essentially wraps a function, which has template parameters for return value and template tuple arguments.

However, what if I want to convert a TypeTuple of int, double, string to its respective Function-wrapped TypeTuple, i.e. Function!int, Function!double, Function!string. Is there any way to do so?
January 12, 2011
Sean Eskapp <> wrote:

> The language documentation covers some basic uses of TypeTuples in templates,
> but nothing about using them with classes. I would like a template class,
> which essentially wraps a function, which has template parameters for return
> value and template tuple arguments.
> However, what if I want to convert a TypeTuple of int, double, string to its
> respective Function-wrapped TypeTuple, i.e. Function!int, Function!double,
> Function!string. Is there any way to do so?

std.typetuple has staticMap, which sounds like what you want:

alias TypeTuple!( int, double, string ) tup;

alias staticMap!( Function, tup ) functions;

Is this what you want?

January 12, 2011
That looks like it.. only, it's not working:

void main()
	TypeTuple!(int, int) foo;
	foo[0] = 1;
	foo[1] = 2;

	double MakeStuff(in int bar)
		return cast(double)bar;

	auto foobar = staticMap!(MakeStuff)(foo);

This fails compilation with the error "Error: function expected before (), not ()
of type ()"
January 12, 2011
Nevermind, I see my error.
Thank you!