January 27, 2011
spir <denis.spir@gmail.com> wrote:

> Adds one char compared to D syntax, but allows partially hex-coded string:
> 	"blah #xx xxxx xxx# blah"

I like having the ability to embed #'s in my strings, thank you.

January 27, 2011
On 01/26/2011 05:57 PM, spir wrote:
> On 01/26/2011 07:25 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:
>> just out of curiosity, does anyone use these and actually mean them to be
>> strings? It seems like I'm invariably writing
>> cast(ubyte[]) x"..."
> Super-nice for universal text. Anything you can't type in because of
> non-illimited keyboard size...
> Actually had a similar idea, except using in-string delimiters #...#
> instead of a prefix:
> "#xx xxx xxxx xxx#"
> Adds one char compared to D syntax, but allows partially hex-coded string:
> "blah #xx xxxx xxx# blah"
> Denis

personally, I always use \uxxxx or \Uxxxxxxxx [and then print it out to the console, copy it, and paste it back into my code]
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