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D language book errata + chapter 13. SharedList code listing confusion
Aug 21, 2012
Ondrej Pokorny
Aug 21, 2012
Ondrej Pokorny
Aug 21, 2012
Ondrej Pokorny
August 21, 2012

there is in chapter 13.16.2 in last paragraph before SharedList code listing:
... The idea is first to mark that pointer as “logically deleted” by setting its bit to zero, and then ...

and later:

T* setlsb(T)(T* p) {
   return cast(T*) (cast(size_t) p | 1);

now to SharedList source code. Could possibly someone give me a hand and helps explain me this algorithm?
I hope nobody will be offended if i repost it from here ( in my book is same version:

shared struct SharedList(T) {
   shared struct Node {
      private T _payload;
      private Node * _next;

      @property shared(Node)* next() {
         return clearlsb(_next);

      bool removeAfter() {
         shared(Node)* thisNext, afterNext;
         // Step 1: set the lsb of _next for the node to delete
         do {
            thisNext = next;
            if (!thisNext) return false;
            afterNext =;
         } while (!cas(&thisNext._next, afterNext, setlsb(afterNext)));
         // Step 2: excise the node to delete
         if (!cas(&_next, thisNext, afterNext)) {
            afterNext = thisNext._next;
            while (!haslsb(afterNext)) {
               thisNext._next =;
         _next = afterNext;

   void insertAfter(T value) {
      auto newNode = new Node(value);
      for (;;) {
         // Attempt to find an insertion point
         auto n = _next;
         while (n && haslsb(n)) {
            n = n._next;
         // Found a possible insertion point, attempt insert
         auto afterN = n._next;
         newNode._next = afterN;
         if (cas(&n._next, afterN, newNode)) {

  private Node * _root;

  void pushFront(T value) {
     ... // Same as for Stack.push

  shared(T)* popFront() {
     ... // Same as for Stack.pop
August 21, 2012
Could you remove this double repost please?



August 21, 2012
Ignore this doulbe post, please.
