December 29, 2011
On Thu, 29 Dec 2011 17:20:22 +0200, Vladimir Panteleev <> wrote:

> On Thursday, 29 December 2011 at 14:44:45 UTC, Don wrote:
>> I don't think the situation is any different with DMC. I think that if D isn't a systems programming lanugage, neither is C or C++ without vendor-specific extensions.
> You're right... I've never extensively used a C/C++ compiler without similar extensions, though. The fact that major vendors come up with their own extensions to do many of the same features shows that they might have better been standardized.

Well i remember at most one or two supported me when i brought it up and Walter dismissed instantly.
December 29, 2011
On Thu, 29 Dec 2011 13:44:12 +0200, Alex Rønne Petersen <> wrote:

> +1. D needs a way to force inlining. The compiler can, at best, do heuristics. If D wants to cater to systems programmers -- that is, programmers who *know their shit* -- it needs advanced features like this. Same reason we have __gshared, for example.
> - Alex

The legitimate "D performs so bad in my example" posts appeared in this forum
almost always ended up with the conclusion that D's lack a controlled inline mechanism.
December 29, 2011
On Thursday, 29 December 2011 at 14:44:45 UTC, Don wrote:
> I don't think the situation is any different with DMC. I think that if D isn't a systems programming lanugage, neither is C or C++ without vendor-specific extensions.

C macros are a crude form of inlining. String mixins do not scale well in the same way as C macros (e.g. in the way they're used in said memcpy implementation).
December 29, 2011
On 29.12.2011 16:07, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> On Thursday, 29 December 2011 at 14:44:45 UTC, Don wrote:
>>> . It doesn't even
>>> use inline assembler or compiler intrinsics.
>> Note that the memcpy described there is _far_ from optimal. Memcpy is
>> all about cache effciency. DMD translates memcpy to the single
>> instruction "rep movsd" which you'd think would be optimal, but you
>> can actually beat it by a factor of four or more for long lengths.
> I've never seen DMD emit rep movsd. Does rep movsd even make sense when
> the memory areas do not have the same alignment? memcpy in snn.lib has a
> rep movsd instruction, but there's lots of other code (including what
> looks like Duff's device).

It's in the backend in cod2.c, line 3260. But on closer inspection -- you're right! It's in an
if(0 && ...) block.
So it never does it, even when everything's aligned.

There's a _huge_ potential for improvement in that function.

December 29, 2011
On 12/29/2011 2:15 AM, Caligo wrote:
> If there is a God (I'm not saying there
> isn't, and I'm not saying there is), what language would he choose to create the
> universe?

December 29, 2011
Specially because some 64 bit compilers are providing intrinsics as the only way to access the processor.

Visual C++ for example, does not provide inline assembly support.

David Nadlinger Wrote:

> On 12/29/11 2:13 PM, a wrote:
> > void test(ref V a, ref V b)
> > {
> >      asm
> >      {
> >          movaps XMM0, a;
> >          addps  XMM0, b;
> >          movaps a, XMM0;
> >      }
> >      asm
> >      {
> >          movaps XMM0, a;
> >          addps  XMM0, b;
> >          movaps a, XMM0;
> >      }
> > }
> >
> > […]
> >
> > The needles loads and stores would make it impossible to write an efficient simd add function even if the functions containing asm blocks could be inlined.
> Yes, this is indeed a problem, and as far as I'm aware, usually solved in the gamedev world by using the (SSE) intrinsics your favorite C++ compiler provides, instead of resorting to inline asm.
> David

December 29, 2011
Vladimir Panteleev:

> The fact that major vendors come up with their own extensions to do many of the same features shows that they might have better been standardized.

Right. (This is why once I have asked for a explicitly not implemented computed gotos, to have them in D standard despite DMD doesn't implement them (LDC/GDC are probably able implement them quickly)).

On the other hand D2 already makes standard several of the non-standard features of GNU C.

December 29, 2011
On 29.12.2011 11:15, Caligo wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 3:16 AM, Walter Bright
> < <>> wrote:
> This is somewhat of a serious question:  If there is a God (I'm not
> saying there isn't, and I'm not saying there is), what language would he
> choose to create the universe?  It would be hard for us mortals to
> imagine, but would it resemble a functional programming language more or
> something else?  And what type of hardware would the code run on?  I
> mean, there are computations happening all around us, e.g., when an
> apple falls or planets circle the sun, etc, so what's performing all the
> computation?

Program begins with void.
Let there be <thing>.

December 29, 2011
On 12/29/2011 3:19 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> I'd like to invite you to translate Daniel Vik's C memcpy implementation to D:

Challenge accepted.
 ** File:     memcpy.c
 ** Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Daniel Vik
 ** This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 ** warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
 ** damages arising from the use of this software.
 ** Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
 ** purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
 ** redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 ** 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
 **    must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you
 **    use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the
 **    use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the
 **    product documentation would be appreciated but is not
 **    required.
 ** 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
 **    must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
 ** 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
 **    distribution.
 ** Description: Implementation of the standard library function memcpy.
 **             This implementation of memcpy() is ANSI-C89 compatible.
 **             The following configuration options can be set:
 **           LITTLE_ENDIAN   - Uses processor with little endian
 **                             addressing. Default is big endian.
 **           PRE_INC_PTRS    - Use pre increment of pointers.
 **                             Default is post increment of
 **                             pointers.
 **           INDEXED_COPY    - Copying data using array indexing.
 **                             Using this option, disables the
 **                             PRE_INC_PTRS option.
 **           MEMCPY_64BIT    - Compiles memcpy for 64 bit
 **                             architectures
 ** Best Settings:

module memcpy;

 ** Configuration definitions.

version = LITTLE_ENDIAN;
version = INDEXED_COPY;

 ** Includes for size_t definition

 ** Typedefs

alias ubyte       UInt8;
alias ushort      UInt16;
alias uint        UInt32;
alias ulong       UInt64;

version (D_LP64)
    alias UInt64   UIntN;
    enum TYPE_WIDTH = 8;
    alias UInt32 UIntN;
    enum TYPE_WIDTH = 4;

 ** Remove definitions when INDEXED_COPY is defined.

//#if defined (INDEXED_COPY)
//#if defined (PRE_INC_PTRS)
//#undef PRE_INC_PTRS
//#endif /*PRE_INC_PTRS*/
//#endif /*INDEXED_COPY*/

 ** Definitions for pre and post increment of pointers.

version (PRE_INC_PTRS)
    void START_VAL(ref UInt8* x)      { x--; }
    ref T INC_VAL(T)(ref T* x)        { return *++x; }
    UInt8* CAST_TO_U8(void* p, int o) { return cast(UInt8*)p + o + TYPE_WIDTH; }
    enum WHILE_DEST_BREAK  = (TYPE_WIDTH - 1);
    enum PRE_LOOP_ADJUST   = -(TYPE_WIDTH - 1);
    enum PRE_SWITCH_ADJUST = 1;
    void START_VAL(UInt8* x)	      { }
    ref T INC_VAL(T)(ref T* x)        { return *x++; }
    UInt8* CAST_TO_U8(void* p, int o) { return cast(UInt8*)p + o; }
    enum WHILE_DEST_BREAK  = 0;
    enum PRE_LOOP_ADJUST   = 0;
    enum PRE_SWITCH_ADJUST = 0;

 ** void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t count)
 ** Args:     dest        - pointer to destination buffer
 **           src         - pointer to source buffer
 **           count       - number of bytes to copy
 ** Return:   A pointer to destination buffer
 ** Purpose:  Copies count bytes from src to dest.
 **           No overlap check is performed.

void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t count)
    auto dst8 = cast(UInt8*)dest;
    auto src8 = cast(UInt8*)src;

    UIntN* dstN;
    UIntN* srcN;
    UIntN dstWord;
    UIntN srcWord;

     ** Macros for copying words of  different alignment.
     ** Uses incremening pointers.

    void CP_INCR() {
	INC_VAL(dstN) = INC_VAL(srcN);

    void CP_INCR_SH(int shl, int shr) {
	version (LITTLE_ENDIAN)
	    dstWord   = srcWord >> shl;
	    srcWord   = INC_VAL(srcN);
	    dstWord  |= srcWord << shr;
	    INC_VAL(dstN) = dstWord;
	    dstWord   = srcWord << shl;
	    srcWord   = INC_VAL(srcN);
	    dstWord  |= srcWord >> shr;
	    INC_VAL(dstN) = dstWord;

     ** Macros for copying words of  different alignment.
     ** Uses array indexes.

    void CP_INDEX(size_t idx) {
	dstN[idx] = srcN[idx];

    void CP_INDEX_SH(size_t x, int shl, int shr) {
	version (LITTLE_ENDIAN)
	    dstWord   = srcWord >> shl;
	    srcWord   = srcN[x];
	    dstWord  |= srcWord << shr;
	    dstN[x]  = dstWord;
	    dstWord   = srcWord << shl;
	    srcWord   = srcN[x];
	    dstWord  |= srcWord >> shr;
	    dstN[x]  = dstWord;

     ** Macros for copying words of different alignment.
     ** Uses incremening pointers or array indexes depending on
     ** configuration.

    version (INDEXED_COPY)
	void CP(size_t idx) { CP_INDEX(idx); }
	void CP_SH(size_t idx, int shl, int shr) { CP_INDEX_SH(idx, shl, shr); }

	void INC_INDEX(T)(ref T* p, size_t o) { p += o; }
	void CP(size_t idx) { CP_INCR(); }
	void CP_SH(size_t idx, int shl, int shr) { CP_INCR_SH(shl, shr); }

	void INC_INDEX(T)(T* p, size_t o) { }

    void COPY_REMAINING(size_t count) {

	switch (count) {
	case 7: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);
	case 6: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);
	case 5: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);
	case 4: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);
	case 3: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);
	case 2: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);
	case 1: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);
	case 0:
	default: break;

    void COPY_NO_SHIFT() {
	dstN = cast(UIntN*)(dst8 + PRE_LOOP_ADJUST);
	srcN = cast(UIntN*)(src8 + PRE_LOOP_ADJUST);
	size_t length = count / TYPE_WIDTH;

	while (length & 7) {

	length /= 8;

	while (length--) {

	    INC_INDEX(dstN, 8);
	    INC_INDEX(srcN, 8);

	src8 = CAST_TO_U8(srcN, 0);
	dst8 = CAST_TO_U8(dstN, 0);


    void COPY_SHIFT(int shift) {
	dstN  = cast(UIntN*)(((cast(UIntN)dst8) + PRE_LOOP_ADJUST) &
				 ~(TYPE_WIDTH - 1));
	srcN  = cast(UIntN*)(((cast(UIntN)src8) + PRE_LOOP_ADJUST) &
				 ~(TYPE_WIDTH - 1));
	size_t length  = count / TYPE_WIDTH;
	srcWord = INC_VAL(srcN);

	while (length & 7) {
	    CP_INCR_SH(8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));

	length /= 8;

	while (length--) {
	    CP_SH(0, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));
	    CP_SH(1, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));
	    CP_SH(2, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));
	    CP_SH(3, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));
	    CP_SH(4, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));
	    CP_SH(5, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));
	    CP_SH(6, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));
	    CP_SH(7, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));

	    INC_INDEX(dstN, 8);
	    INC_INDEX(srcN, 8);

	src8 = CAST_TO_U8(srcN, (shift - TYPE_WIDTH));
	dst8 = CAST_TO_U8(dstN, 0);


    if (count < 8) {
        return dest;


    while ((cast(UIntN)dst8 & (TYPE_WIDTH - 1)) != WHILE_DEST_BREAK) {
        INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);

    final switch (((cast(UIntN)src8) + PRE_SWITCH_ADJUST) & (TYPE_WIDTH - 1)) {
    case 0: COPY_NO_SHIFT(); break;
    case 1: COPY_SHIFT(1);   break;
    case 2: COPY_SHIFT(2);   break;
    case 3: COPY_SHIFT(3);   break;
    static if (TYPE_WIDTH >= 4)
	case 4: COPY_SHIFT(4);   break;
	case 5: COPY_SHIFT(5);   break;
	case 6: COPY_SHIFT(6);   break;
	case 7: COPY_SHIFT(7);   break;

    return dest;
December 29, 2011
On 12/29/11 1:47 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 12/29/2011 3:19 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
>> I'd like to invite you to translate Daniel Vik's C memcpy
>> implementation to D:
> Challenge accepted.

