September 14, 2014
On 09/14/2014 10:50 AM, Kagamin wrote:
> On Sunday, 14 September 2014 at 01:38:33 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
>> This is necessary for `inout` to work with callback functions, such as
>> with internal iteration (i.e. `opApply`).
> Can you write a pass and xfail test for it? This scenario looks
> non-trivial.
> ...

struct S{
    int[] a;
    int opApply(scope int delegate(ref inout int) dg)inout{
        foreach(ref x;a) if(auto r=dg(x)) return r;
        return 0;

void main(){
    auto s=S([1,2,3]);
    foreach(ref x;s) x++; // ok
    const(S) s2=s;
    foreach(ref x;s2){
        import std.stdio;
        // x++; error

>> It can be worked around exactly the same way you would work around it
>> with functions that return a value - by duplicating the function. It
>> is essentially the same problem and thus `inout` could easily be used
>> to fix it.
> Can you elaborate? I don't quite understand, what you mean.

inout's primary goal is to eliminate patterns similar to:

struct S{
    int[] a;
    int opApply(scope int delegate(ref int) dg){
        foreach(ref x;a) if(auto r=dg(x)) return r;
        return 0;
    int opApply(scope int delegate(ref const int) dg)const{
        foreach(ref x;a) if(auto r=dg(x)) return r;
        return 0;
    int opApply(scope int delegate(ref immutable int) dg)immutable{
        foreach(ref x;a) if(auto r=dg(x)) return r;
        return 0;

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