July 04, 2017
On 7/4/2017 2:25 PM, Stefan Koch wrote:
> At a first glance it looks highly x86 specific.

The algorithm is not. The details are, of course, since if you read the Intel CPU manual there is an incredible amount of detail.

> I am not sure how much of this really lends itself to be applied on arm.
> The backend-IR does not seem to be able to express some ARM concepts such as predicated instructions.

Predicated instructions are just a larger pattern to the code generator. I didn't see anything in the LLVM IR that is specific to it.

> While those maybe shoehorned in, it is likely to be impractical to reuse most of this code.

The algorithm (which is not trivial) can be used. The rest is constructing the table of dependencies and special cases.
July 04, 2017
On 7/4/2017 4:09 PM, Johan Engelen wrote:
> On Tuesday, 4 July 2017 at 21:10:45 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
>> The backend has also been accused of not doing data flow analysis. It does as good a flow analysis as any compiler.
> Please...
> DMD: https://goo.gl/wHTPzz
> GDC & LDC: https://godbolt.org/g/QFSgaX

With this PR:


The code:

  int basicfunc(int i) {
    return i;

  int dataflow(int b) {
    int ret;

    if (b==4)
      ret = 3;
      ret = 5;

    if (ret == 4)
      return 0;
      return 1;

Produces on Win32:

  _D5test49basicfuncFiZi  comdat
                ret   // this is not a bug, as `i` is passed in EAX

  _D5test48dataflowFiZi   comdat
                mov     EAX,1

I'm sure you can find a case where LLVM does a better job. But I think I've made the point :-)
July 04, 2017
On 7/4/2017 2:25 PM, Stefan Koch wrote:
> I am not sure how much of this really lends itself to be applied on arm.

The code generator started out as 16 bits, and was that way for 10 years or so. x87 got added in later. Then it was adapted for 32 bits. Another 10 years went by, then 64 bits, and then XMM vector instructions.

So I think it has proven itself to not be horribly locked in to one architecture. x86, x87, and XMM are quite different.

There were also at one time back ends for the 68000 and the PowerPC that used the same optimizer and IR.
July 05, 2017
On Tue, Jul 04, 2017 at 05:11:55PM -0700, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> On 7/4/2017 4:14 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> > Also, loop unrolling is only the beginning.  Other loop optimizations are just as important, like strength reduction, hoisting, etc.. (Caveat: I haven't checked whether DMD specifically performs these optimizations.
> It does.
> > But based on looking at previous dmd output, I'm leaning towards no.)
> I wish people would look at it before assuming. It's not like it's a secret.
>   https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/ddmd/backend/gloop.c
> Read the comments.

I did a simple test to see which loop optimizations dmd did, vs. gdc. Here's the test code:

int func(int[] data)
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		data[i*10] = i;
		j = data[0] * 10;
	return j;
void main() {
	import std.stdio;
	auto data = new int[100];

Here's the output of dmd -O (git HEAD):

0000000000046b00 <_D4test4funcFAiZi>:
   46b00:	55                   	push   %rbp
   46b01:	48 8b ec             	mov    %rsp,%rbp
   46b04:	48 89 fa             	mov    %rdi,%rdx
   46b07:	49 89 f1             	mov    %rsi,%r9
   46b0a:	45 31 c0             	xor    %r8d,%r8d
   46b0d:	31 c9                	xor    %ecx,%ecx
   46b0f:	48 63 c1             	movslq %ecx,%rax
   46b12:	48 3b c2             	cmp    %rdx,%rax
   46b15:	72 11                	jb     46b28 <_D4test4funcFAiZi+0x28>
   46b17:	be 05 00 00 00       	mov    $0x5,%esi
   46b1c:	48 8d 3d cd 53 03 00 	lea    0x353cd(%rip),%rdi        # 7bef0 <_TMP0>
   46b23:	e8 64 0a 00 00       	callq  4758c <_d_arrayboundsp>
   46b28:	45 89 04 81          	mov    %r8d,(%r9,%rax,4)
   46b2c:	48 85 d2             	test   %rdx,%rdx
   46b2f:	75 11                	jne    46b42 <_D4test4funcFAiZi+0x42>
   46b31:	be 06 00 00 00       	mov    $0x6,%esi
   46b36:	48 8d 3d b3 53 03 00 	lea    0x353b3(%rip),%rdi        # 7bef0 <_TMP0>
   46b3d:	e8 4a 0a 00 00       	callq  4758c <_d_arrayboundsp>
   46b42:	41 8b 01             	mov    (%r9),%eax
   46b45:	44 8d 1c 80          	lea    (%rax,%rax,4),%r11d
   46b49:	45 03 db             	add    %r11d,%r11d
   46b4c:	83 c1 0a             	add    $0xa,%ecx
   46b4f:	41 ff c0             	inc    %r8d
   46b52:	41 83 f8 0a          	cmp    $0xa,%r8d
   46b56:	72 b7                	jb     46b0f <_D4test4funcFAiZi+0xf>
   46b58:	41 8b c3             	mov    %r11d,%eax
   46b5b:	5d                   	pop    %rbp
   46b5c:	c3                   	retq
   46b5d:	00 00                	add    %al,(%rax)

Note: for conciseness' sake I omitted the disassembly of main(), since it's not directly relevant here.

Here are some pertinent points of observation:

- Strength reduction was done, as seen in the line 46b4c: corresponding
  with the array index computation i*10.

- Code hoisting was NOT done (in this case): the second line in the loop
  body does not depend on the loop index, but dmd did not hoist it out
  of the loop. This can be see by the end of loop branch on line 46b56:
  the branch destination is 46b0f, near the beginning of the function,
  and the code path from there includes the code for the assignment to
  j. While some clever tricks were done to avoid using the mul
  instruction for computing data[0]*10, this computation was
  unfortunately repeated 10 times even though it only needed to be
  computed once. In particular, the load of data[0] on line 46b42 is
  repeated 10 times, followed by the *10 computation.

- There are two calls to _d_arrayboundsp inside the loop body, along
  with branches around them. This seems needless, since one bounds check
  ought to be enough to ensure the array lookups are within bounds.
  Also, there are 2 branches within the loop body (not counting the
  end-of-loop branch), whereas it could have been simplified to one
  (less branch hazards on the CPU pipeline).

In comparison, here's the output of gdc -O (gdc 6.3.0):

0000000000020080 <_D4test4funcFAiZi>:
   20080:	48 85 ff             	test   %rdi,%rdi
   20083:	74 33                	je     200b8 <_D4test4funcFAiZi+0x38>
   20085:	48 89 f9             	mov    %rdi,%rcx
   20088:	49 89 f0             	mov    %rsi,%r8
   2008b:	c7 06 00 00 00 00    	movl   $0x0,(%rsi)
   20091:	ba 0a 00 00 00       	mov    $0xa,%edx
   20096:	b8 01 00 00 00       	mov    $0x1,%eax
   2009b:	48 39 d1             	cmp    %rdx,%rcx
   2009e:	76 18                	jbe    200b8 <_D4test4funcFAiZi+0x38>
   200a0:	41 89 04 90          	mov    %eax,(%r8,%rdx,4)
   200a4:	83 c0 01             	add    $0x1,%eax
   200a7:	48 83 c2 0a          	add    $0xa,%rdx
   200ab:	83 f8 0a             	cmp    $0xa,%eax
   200ae:	75 eb                	jne    2009b <_D4test4funcFAiZi+0x1b>
   200b0:	8b 06                	mov    (%rsi),%eax
   200b2:	8d 04 80             	lea    (%rax,%rax,4),%eax
   200b5:	01 c0                	add    %eax,%eax
   200b7:	c3                   	retq
   200b8:	48 83 ec 08          	sub    $0x8,%rsp
   200bc:	ba 05 00 00 00       	mov    $0x5,%edx
   200c1:	bf 06 00 00 00       	mov    $0x6,%edi
   200c6:	48 8d 35 81 7a 07 00 	lea    0x77a81(%rip),%rsi        # 97b4e <_IO_stdin_used+0x4e>
   200cd:	e8 8e a4 03 00       	callq  5a560 <_d_arraybounds>

Comparing this with dmd's output, we see:

- Strength reduction was done on the i*10 computation (line 200a7), just
  as in the dmd output.

- Code hoisting was also done (unlike dmd): the computation data[0]*10 was
  hoisted out of the loop (line 200b2), and only computed once after the
  end of the loop, as opposed to computed 10 times. Notably, we're no
  longer loading data[0] 10 times, but just once at the end of the loop.

- One of the bounds checks is moved out of the loop body, so there is
  only 1 branch inside the loop (less branch hazards on the CPU

- The function is noticeably smaller than dmd's output, due to gdc
  merging the calls to _d_arraybounds into a single path.

Now, granted, my test case could be construed to be unfair, because the assignment to j depends on the result of the first loop iteration (data[0] is assigned to before it's read by the assignment to j). So it's not truly loop-invariant in the strict sense.  However, as the gdc output shows, the compiler ought to be able to refactor things so that the assignment is moved out of the loop.

So while I was wrong about dmd not doing strength reduction, my conclusion is still that dmd's codegen for loops leaves more to be desired.  In particular, it doesn't seem to do code hoisting, as least not for this case, whereas gdc does (and consistently so in other loop code I've looked at in the past).


An imaginary friend squared is a real enemy.
July 05, 2017
On 7/5/2017 4:48 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> In particular, it doesn't seem to do code hoisting, as least
> not for this case,
It does not in this case because:


is actually:


i.e. a read through a pointer. Inside the loop, there is also:

    data[i * 10] = ...

which is an assignment through a pointer. The assignment through the pointer makes a read through a pointer not loop invariant. It's only possible to pull out the assignment to j if loop unrolling is done, which as I said is not done by DMD.

Loop invariant removal (aka code hoisting) *is* done in the optimizer.


> There are two calls to _d_arrayboundsp inside the loop body, along with branches around them. This seems needless, since one bounds check ought to be enough to ensure the array lookups are within bounds. Also, there are 2 branches within the loop body (not counting the end-of-loop branch), whereas it could have been simplified to one (less branch hazards on the CPU pipeline).

Yes, that's true, I'm not sure why that isn't happening. It should be.
July 07, 2017
DMD is a piece of shit, and adding another one ARM backend with all those bugs and low performance instead of improving ldc is wasting efforts.
The only use of dmd is development because of compilation speed.
But some persons have "cerveau lent" and just cannot realise it.
July 20, 2017
On Friday, 7 July 2017 at 11:09:27 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
> DMD is a piece of shit, and adding another one ARM backend with all those bugs and low performance instead of improving ldc is wasting efforts.
> The only use of dmd is development because of compilation speed.
> But some persons have "cerveau lent" and just cannot realise it.

A few things you should be aware before you trash the reference compiler for D:

- Most of DMD's frontend and the part of the backend is in D. This means better productivity in the long run, especially once the whole of the backend is ported to D.
- Well, it's the reference compiler. I understand that you would like to see many of the devs on DMD to move towards LDC instead. I myself like some healthy competition.
- The performance issues can be fixed in the long run. I myself thinking on fixing some of the issues of DMD, like the SIMD support (might end up in issuing a DIP for better support the hardware functions).

I think first I might learn how the current codegen works, issue some improvements, as learning how the arm architecture works is a hard work, I don't even know what to do with condition codes (ignore them completely, or use them in certain situations to save a few conditional jump?), thumb (yet another attribute to force the compiler to use thumb for the part of the code?), etc. I'll recycle some of the preexisting code which was made by another user.
July 20, 2017
On 7/20/2017 9:22 AM, solidstate1991 wrote:
> A few things you should be aware before you trash the reference compiler for D:

I wouldn't be discouraged by the nay-sayers. If you want to build an ARM back end for it, do it! About every project I've ever embarked on, including D, started with everyone nay-saying it.
July 06, 2018
On Thursday, 20 July 2017 at 22:08:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> I wouldn't be discouraged by the nay-sayers. If you want to build an ARM back end for it, do it! About every project I've ever embarked on, including D, started with everyone nay-saying it.

Keep it that way and thanks for it!! :)
July 07, 2018
On Thursday, 20 July 2017 at 16:22:59 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
> On Friday, 7 July 2017 at 11:09:27 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
>> [...]
> A few things you should be aware before you trash the reference compiler for D:
> [...]

Btw, if you're still interested in this, AArch64 would be a better target, as 32-bit ARM is being replaced by it.
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