Thread overview
Where is sleep()?
Dec 17, 2017
Ryan David Sheasby
Dec 17, 2017
rikki cattermole
Dec 17, 2017
Ryan David Sheasby
Dec 17, 2017
Dec 17, 2017
Adam D. Ruppe
Dec 17, 2017
Adam D. Ruppe
Dec 17, 2017
Ali Çehreli
December 17, 2017
Hey guys. First time poster here. I've searched high and low but can't seem to find a simple sleep/delay/wait/pause function in the core or in phobos. The most recent information I can find about it is this forum post from 12 years ago:$b8j$ In which they suggest using std.c.time which is now depreciated and seems to have been replaced by core.stdc.time which doesn't have any sleep functions... What am I missing?
December 17, 2017
On 17/12/2017 8:32 AM, Ryan David Sheasby wrote:
> Hey guys. First time poster here. I've searched high and low but can't seem to find a simple sleep/delay/wait/pause function in the core or in phobos. The most recent information I can find about it is this forum post from 12 years ago:$b8j$ In which they suggest using std.c.time which is now depreciated and seems to have been replaced by core.stdc.time which doesn't have any sleep functions... What am I missing?

That link is not relevant to D.
December 17, 2017
On Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 08:40:53 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
> On 17/12/2017 8:32 AM, Ryan David Sheasby wrote:
>> Hey guys. First time poster here. I've searched high and low but can't seem to find a simple sleep/delay/wait/pause function in the core or in phobos. The most recent information I can find about it is this forum post from 12 years ago:$b8j$ In which they suggest using std.c.time which is now depreciated and seems to have been replaced by core.stdc.time which doesn't have any sleep functions... What am I missing?
> That link is not relevant to D.

Crap sorry you're right. I pasted the wrong link. This is the one I was talking about:$2ebg$
December 17, 2017
On Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 08:32:20 UTC, Ryan David Sheasby wrote:
> Hey guys. First time poster here. I've searched high and low but can't seem to find a simple sleep/delay/wait/pause function in the core or in phobos. The most recent information I can find about it is this forum post from 12 years ago:$b8j$ In which they suggest using std.c.time which is now depreciated and seems to have been replaced by core.stdc.time which doesn't have any sleep functions... What am I missing?

// --------------

import std.stdio;
import core.thread;

void main()
    int waitTime = 5;

    writeln("Waiting ", waitTime, " seconds...");
    writeln("Done waiting!");
// --------------

December 17, 2017
On Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 08:32:20 UTC, Ryan David Sheasby wrote:
> What am I missing?

the official search is hard to use, so I made my own. When looking for something, try

and here it pops right up.

December 17, 2017
On 12/17/2017 12:32 AM, Ryan David Sheasby wrote:

> I've searched high and low but can't
> seem to find a simple sleep/delay/wait/pause function in the core or in
> phobos.

Prepending "dlang" to Google searches has been working well for me. Googling for "dlang sleep" lists the documentation as the first hit for me. Same with "dlang phobos sleep", "dlang druntime sleep", etc.


December 17, 2017
On 12/17/17 8:32 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 08:32:20 UTC, Ryan David Sheasby wrote:
>> What am I missing?
> the official search is hard to use, so I made my own. When looking for something, try
> and here it pops right up.

I searched for "sleep" in "library", core.thread was the first result.

Now, it would be good to have it link directly to the sleep function itself, but it looks like searching in the library only links to the one-page-per-module version of the docs.

If I change google's terms to instead of, then searching for sleep gives me the Thread.sleep function as the first result.

December 17, 2017
On Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 17:01:37 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> I searched for "sleep" in "library", core.thread was the first result.

Yeah, me too (followed by core.time, std.datetime.stopwatch, and std.datetime...), but it isn't obvious any of them are actual winners.

If you already basically know what you're looking for, it can refresh, but if it is first time

core.thread - D Programming Language
Jump to: getAll · getThis · id · isDaemon · isRunning · join · name · opApply · priority · PRIORITY_DEFAULT · PRIORITY_MAX · PRIORITY_MIN · sleep · start · this · yield. class Thread ;. This class encapsulates all threading functionality for the D programming language. As thread manipulation is a required facility for garbage ...

doesn't really indicate it was a good hit and when the click the page, even finding that jumplist takes a second search. This is one of the better results I tend to get off the official site.

Whereas mine gives:


    Suspends the calling thread for at least the supplied period. This may result in multiple OS calls if period is greater than the maximum sleep duration supported by the operating system.

immediately, right there on the result page. As well as other hits such as vibe.d's sleep.