March 05, 2015
I have been ask to write a test tool which initiates DNS-HTTP-HTTPS-TCP sessions. And ofcourse I wrote this with D.

For HTTP I used like "m_HTTP = HTTP(m_url);m_HTTP.perform();"
For DNS I simply used "getAddressInfo(m_domainName);"

Than tool makes some simple checks  which are npt subjects of this thread and the tool works well,

But now I need to make an improvement. I need to get sourceIP(ip which program runs), sourcePort( eg: 53212 not 80), destIP, destPort(most probably 80) from the session which I initiated.

I need functions like std.socket.localAddress, std.socket.remoteAddress for HTTP-DNS but couldn't managed to find them.

Is there any way that I can get socket info in HTTP and DNS sessions which I initiated?

Kadir Erdem
March 05, 2015
On 03/04/2015 11:46 PM, Kadir Erdem Demir wrote:
> I have been ask to write a test tool which initiates DNS-HTTP-HTTPS-TCP
> sessions. And ofcourse I wrote this with D.
> For HTTP I used like "m_HTTP = HTTP(m_url);m_HTTP.perform();"
> For DNS I simply used "getAddressInfo(m_domainName);"
> Than tool makes some simple checks  which are npt subjects of this
> thread and the tool works well,
> But now I need to make an improvement. I need to get sourceIP(ip which
> program runs), sourcePort( eg: 53212 not 80), destIP, destPort(most
> probably 80) from the session which I initiated.
> I need functions like std.socket.localAddress, std.socket.remoteAddress
> for HTTP-DNS but couldn't managed to find them.
> Is there any way that I can get socket info in HTTP and DNS sessions
> which I initiated?
> Regards
> Kadir Erdem is implemented in terms of libcurl but does not expose all of its functionality. I could not find a way of extracting curl-related information from it.

I found the following Socket example in my stash of code where it's easy to get the address information with remoteAddress() and localAddress(). But of course Socket is lower level than :-/

import std.stdio;
import std.socket;

void main() {
    Socket server = new TcpSocket();
    server.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.REUSEADDR, true);
    server.bind(new InternetAddress(8080));

    while(true) {
        Socket client = server.accept();

        writefln("client Socket connected on %s", client.remoteAddress);

        char[1024] buffer;
        auto received = client.receive(buffer);

        writefln("The client said:\n%s", buffer[0.. received]);

        enum header =
            "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";

        string response = header ~ "Hello World!\n";

