February 26, 2017

coming more or less from Python I just started with D. Not a real programmer, just automating things and looking for a neat compiled language.

Just to learn, I wrote a function to read CSV-like files (I know D has its own routine). Since I'm still a bit overwhelmed by the many complex language features, I'm curious what could I change to make my code as D'ish as possible?

Thank you for any suggestion,

// Reads CSV-like files with only numeric values in each column
// new_ndv replaces ndv, which is the original no-data-value
double[][]* readNumMatCsv(char[] filePath, char[] ndv, char[] new_ndv)
{ double[][]* p_numArray;
  double[][] numArray;
  char[] line;
  string noCont = "File content not usable. Quit here.";
  string noFile = "Could not read file. Quit here.";
  string nonNum = "Found a non-numeric value in data matrix. Quit here.";
  Regex!char re = regex(r"(\n$)");

  { File f = File(filePath, "r");
    if((line = f.readln().dup).length > 0)
    { while (!f.eof())
      { if((line = replaceAll(f.readln().dup.replace(ndv, new_ndv), re, "")).length > 0)

{ foreach(i;split(line,","))
          { if(isNumeric(i) == false)
            { writeln(nonNum);
              return p_numArray;
          if(split(line,",").length > 0)
          { numArray ~= to!(double[])(split(line,","));
      p_numArray = &numArray;
    } else { writeln(noCont); }
  } else { writeln(noFile); }
  return p_numArray;