June 14, 2017
It's a bit unfortunate that I found this after DConf. For those that have a need to create slides/presentation and are tried of PowerPoint or Keynote. This is the great tool.

Remark [1] is a tool that generates/converts Markdown into slides and let you view them in the browser. It's really simple to use:

1. Create an HTML document with the boilerplate provided here [2]

2. Place your Markdown content in the textarea tag in the HTML document, slides are separated using three dashes, ---.

3. View the HTML document in a browser (JavaScript is required), use the arrow keys on the keyboard to navigate. Press ? on the keyboard to get help about the keyboard shortcuts

It even allows you to clone the browser window and supports presentation mode.

Now, for that part that makes this post semi off-topic and not only off-topic. I've created a tool, Remarkify [3][4], that allow you to place the Markdown content in Markdown files. It will concatenate all the specified Markdown files, separated with ---, run the content through an HTML template file and output the content into a regular HTML template file. For more information see [5].

[1] http://remarkjs.com
[2] https://github.com/gnab/remark#getting-started
[3] https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/remarkify
[4] http://code.dlang.org/packages/remarkify
[5] https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/remarkify#usage

/Jacob Carlborg