April 18, 2012
C# is easy to learn compared to other languages. It is an Object
Oriented languages and run on the top of .Net technology. The
syntaxes are very similar to Java and C++. If you know one, then
it takes very little time to learn the other. Here is the link to
study C# step by step.



July 26, 2012
Agreed, but after looking at D, I see a lot of extremely useful built-in functionality that C++/C#/Java don't have. These include:
Variadic templates, ranges/slices, mixins, here documents (wysiwyg strings), nested comments, and CTFE (Compile time function execution).

However, I do have to admit that D isn't going to take off very soon, for most of the reasons already mentioned.

1. It lacks an out-of-the-box GUI framework such as C#'s .NET or web frameworks like Java's JSP/Apache.

2. It has Garbage Collection, which seems to turn off C/C++ programmers. C#/Java are well known languages for managed code. I agree that D isn't managed, but a GC gives me a feeling like my program will run slower and that the language feels I need some training wheels, even if this isn't the case.

3. The developer base is extremely light, as mentioned. My schools taught me C/C++/Java, and I learned C#/Ruby/Lisp/Go on the side. I know of a few other languages, but I was never told about D other than it exists.

4. I imagine it would be a nightmare linking to OpenGL/DirectX without an example.
July 26, 2012
There's no edit button. Anyway, old post I realize... still applies.
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