Thread overview
influxdb-dlang-wrapper v0.0.1 - D API for InfluxDB
Mar 20, 2017
Atila Neves
Mar 21, 2017
Dejan Lekic
Apr 09, 2017
Andy smith
Apr 09, 2017
Atila Neves
Apr 21, 2017
Atila Neves
March 20, 2017

InfluxDB is a database optimised for time-series data. This package implements a D API via the REST interface so that this code works:

import influxdb;

// this will connect and create the `mydb` database if not already in InfluxDB
const database = Database("http://localhost:8086" /*URL*/, "mydb" /*DB name*/);

// no explicit timestamp
database.insert(Measurement("cpu" /*name*/, ["tag1": "foo"] /*tags*/, ["temperature": 42] /*values*/));
// `insert` can also take `Measurement[]` or a variadic number of `Measurement`s
// Measurement also has a contructor that does't take tags:
// auto m = Measurement("cpu", ["temperature": 42]);

// explicit timestamp
import std.datetime: Clock;
database.insert(Measurement("cpu", ["tag1": "foo"], ["temperature": 68], Clock.currTime));

// this will have the two measurements given the code above
const response = database.query("SELECT * FROM cpu");

// Accessing the response.
// The code below assumes a response with one result and that result has only
// one series.

assert(response.results.length == 1);
const result = response.results[0];
assert(result.statement_id == 0);
assert(result.series.length == 1);
const series = result.series[0];
assert(series.rows.length == 1);
const row = series.rows[0];

assert(row.time == SysTime(DateTime(2015, 06, 11, 20, 46, 2), UTC()));
assert(row["foo"] == "bar");

assert(series ==
            "lename", //name
            ["time", "othervalue", "tag1", "tag2", "value"], //column names
                ["2015-06-11T20:46:02Z", "4", "toto", "titi", "2"],
                ["2017-03-14T23:15:01.06282785Z", "3", "letag", "othertag", "1"],
March 21, 2017
On Monday, 20 March 2017 at 19:57:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> InfluxDB is a database optimised for time-series data. This package implements a D API via the REST interface so that this code works:

Brilliant! I may actually need it soon! (if they let me use D for a project we are about to start working on)
April 09, 2017
On Monday, 20 March 2017 at 19:57:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> InfluxDB is a database optimised for time-series data. This package implements a D API via the REST interface so that this code works:
> [...]

Cool stuff. Worth stating that one of the big wins here is that the very cool 'grafana' metrics/dashboard web abb talks seamlessly to influx dub. So if you can get your data into influx you get a pretty cool metrics visualisation system for free, ( well, for a small time investment setting it up :-) ).


April 09, 2017
On Sunday, 9 April 2017 at 08:18:38 UTC, Andy smith wrote:
> On Monday, 20 March 2017 at 19:57:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
>> InfluxDB is a database optimised for time-series data. This package implements a D API via the REST interface so that this code works:
>> [...]
> Cool stuff. Worth stating that one of the big wins here is that the very cool 'grafana' metrics/dashboard web abb talks seamlessly to influx dub. So if you can get your data into influx you get a pretty cool metrics visualisation system for free, ( well, for a small time investment setting it up :-) ).
> Cheers,
> A

I noticed that about grafana supporting InfluxDB, which is indeed pretty cool. On the time setting up though, it's virtually 0:

Clone that, `make up` and click on the pretty web controls. :)


April 21, 2017
On Monday, 20 March 2017 at 19:57:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> InfluxDB is a database optimised for time-series data. This package implements a D API via the REST interface so that this code works:
> [...]

Renamed to influx-d
