Thread overview
warning: pointer not aligned at address
Apr 12, 2017
Andrew Edwards
Apr 12, 2017
Andrew Edwards
Apr 12, 2017
Matt Whisenhunt
Apr 12, 2017
Andrew Edwards
April 12, 2017
When compiled with any dmd compiler from 2.069.0 through present (2.074.0), produces the following linker warning:

ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x10004FCEB (_D51TypeInfo_S3std5range13__T4iotaTiTmZ4iotaFimZ6Result6__initZ + 24 from doors100.o)

[65 other lines removed for brevity]

ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100050C7D (_D11TypeInfo_xb6__initZ + 16 from doors100.o)

specific compilers checked:
dmd-2.068.0	dmd-2.068.1	dmd-2.068.2	dmd-2.069.0	dmd-2.070.0	dmd-2.071.2	dmd-2.073.1	dmd-2.073.2	dmd-2.074.0

What's the proper way to address these warnings? The code is linked and works as expected but, to me, there is just something about those warnings that cries out for attention.

Is there something I can do to align this code or is this something that needs to be addressed in the compiler?

April 12, 2017
Conveniently the site is down immediately after I posted that so here is the code to which I was referring:

import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;

enum DoorState : bool { closed, open }
alias Doors = DoorState[];

Doors flipUnoptimized(Doors doors) pure nothrow {
    doors[] = DoorState.closed;

    foreach (immutable i; 0 .. doors.length)
        for (ulong j = i; j < doors.length; j += i + 1)
            if (doors[j] ==
                doors[j] = DoorState.closed;
                doors[j] =;
    return doors;

Doors flipOptimized(Doors doors) pure nothrow {
    doors[] = DoorState.closed;
    for (int i = 1; i ^^ 2 <= doors.length; i++)
        doors[i ^^ 2 - 1] =;
    return doors;

void main() {
    auto doors = new Doors(100);

    foreach (const open; [doors.dup.flipUnoptimized,
        iota(1, open.length + 1).filter!(i => open[i - 1]).writeln;
April 12, 2017
> ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100050C7D

Are you running macOS and recently installed an update to Xcode?

I ran into this today as well.

Looks like other have too:
April 12, 2017
On Wednesday, 12 April 2017 at 03:18:32 UTC, Matt Whisenhunt wrote:
>> ld: warning: pointer not aligned at address 0x100050C7D
> Are you running macOS and recently installed an update to Xcode?
> I ran into this today as well.
> Looks like other have too:

Yes, I do indeed use macOS and am on the latest version. I spun up a Ubuntu vm and in works correctly there. Thanks.