October 17, 2017
Could we have an alternative version to __traits(compiles) that will give you the compiler errors?

Something like:
enum compilerErrors = __traits(compilerErrors, mixin(code));

// compilerErrors should be null if there are no errors.
static if (compilerErrors)
    pragma(msg, "Failed to compile code.");
    pragma(msg, compilerErrors);
    pragma(msg, code);

The closest to the above is doing the following with __traits(compiles):


static if (!__traits(compiles, mixin(code))
    pragma(msg, "Failed to compile code.");
    pragma(msg, code);

But it just doesn't satisfy the order of message printing as the compiler errors are printed after the pragma(msg) calls. That way if you're compiling multiple pieces of long code it becomes kinda hard trying to read your error messages, where the first approach will let you print them in the order you need them.

It would be a really helpful thing in the combat of mixins vs error messages.

What do you think?