August 02, 2014[0] is a service that keeps track of code coverage results from continuous integration. The problem is, it relies on third parties for support for languages other than Ruby. Up until now, there has been no solution for D.

Doveralls changes that! It parses coverage info generated by dmd -cov (or dub test --coverage, added in PR 385[1]), and uploads it to Coveralls in the proper format.

The only dependencies are that you must have a command line version of curl installed (Coveralls expects data in a weird way that I couldn't figure out with If you're running locally, you need to manually `dub fetch dlibgit`, and install libgit2 through your favorite package manager. Otherwise the data in Coveralls won't be associated with a commit, which makes the data pretty useless.

For an example of what doveralls uploaded data looks like, check out the results for quack[2], a little library I'm working on that is very much NOT ready for public consumption.

Please use it/tear it to shreds! Feedback and pull requests are, as always, welcome.
