April 30, 2017

I have a base class in module A:

module A;
class GuiElement: GuiComponent
        GuiElement _parent;

template isGuiElement(T)
    enum isGuiElement = is(T: GuiElement);

and derived class in module B:

module B;
class Div(uint dim, uint odim): GuiElement
    protected GuiElement[] children;

    this(Children...)(GuiManager manager, Children kids)
	if (allSatisfy!(isGuiElement, Children))
	children = [kids];
        this._parent = null;           <- This works
	foreach (kid; children)
	    kid._parent = this;        <- Error: class A.GuiElement member _parent is not accessible

A couple of questions:
1). Is this intended?
2). If yes, why? What is the reasoning behind such restriction? Quoting the docs: "...a symbol can only be seen by members of the same module, or by a derived class...".
3). What does the cryptic "If accessing a protected instance member through a derived class member function, that member can only be accessed for the object instance which can be implicitly cast to the same type as ‘this’" mean?
    Let's say B derives from A, and B instance has a method that accesses A.protected_member inside of it. What does member access have to do with it? Why does this sentence jump from member to method, back to member, and then to some object that was never mentioned before? Objects don't request access, statements do. `this` of who?
April 30, 2017
Ok, sorry, look's like that was always the case in C++, so it's too late to question it. I'll just elevate it to package, I guess.