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Possible difference in compilers?
Sep 01, 2014
Sep 01, 2014
Sep 01, 2014
September 01, 2014
Hi everyone

So I've been working on the problems over at
trying to gain some familiarity with D. I use a Windows computer
with VisualD, but the server used to test the program uses Ubuntu
(I can't tell which compiler they're actually using).

The problem I'm stuck on now is the Utopian Tree

My solution I came up with (and works locally) is:

import std.stdio;
void main() {
     int height=1,t=1,oldN=0,n;
     readf(" %d\n", &t);
     foreach (i;0 .. t) {
         readf(" %d\n", &n);
         foreach (j; oldN .. n)
             height = (j % 2) ? height + 1 : height * 2;
         oldN = n;

For the test cases this only produces the first output
(correctly), but then hits a compiler error with format.d before
the next one. Any ideas what might be going on?

September 01, 2014
> For the test cases this only produces the first output
> (correctly), but then hits a compiler error with format.d before
> the next one. Any ideas what might be going on?

Figured it out. The issue was the \n character at the end of the readf statements.
September 01, 2014

> My solution I came up with (and works locally) is:
> import std.stdio;
> void main() {
>      int height=1,t=1,oldN=0,n;
>      readf(" %d\n", &t);
>      foreach (i;0 .. t) {
>          readf(" %d\n", &n);
>          foreach (j; oldN .. n)

I suggest to add a blank line after the import, to move the import inside the main, to add a space after the commas, and to add an immutable to foreach variable.
