The more I think about it the more I think we need a tool for automatically checking out and building the latest releases of DMD/druntime/Phobos that's:

1.  Easy to use.

2.  Well-documented.

3.  Cross-platform.

4.  Configurability/not hard-coding everything.

I don't know how many times I've put off creating pull requests for relatively minor improvements to Phobos because of the hassle of either writing such a tool myself (I've written a quick/dirty/ad-hoc one just for myself but it really sucks in almost all attributes mentioned) or manually updating everything before I could get started.

Given that Walter apparently has a tool that's most of the way there, it would be great if he released it.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu <> wrote:
On 7/24/12 1:36 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
Looks like my install script broke

Please let's put that on github in installer, like, right now. If you did it yesterday, it would've been too late. If you have any paths that are specific to your networking configuration, hoist them into variables and invoke the script with arguments.

We should grow a very strong aversion for any process seat-of-the-pants, "in my ~/bin/", "ah I use my history", that influences the way we deliver software.

We want one million users. To do so, we need to be ready for one million users.



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