import net.BurtonRadons.dig.main; import net.BurtonRadons.dig.platform.scintilla; import std.file; class FileMenu : Menu { Program program; this (Program program) { super ((Control) null); this.program = program; add ("&Open", &Open); add ("&Close", &Close); } void Open () { char [] [] result; with (new FileSelector (false)) { multiSelect = false; addFilter ("D", "*.d"); addFilter ("All Files", "*"); result = run (); } if (result.length) program.load (result [0]); } void Close () { Frame.quit (); } } class MyMenuBar : MenuBar { Program program; this (Program program) { super (); this.program = program; popup ("&File", new FileMenu (program)); } } class Program : Frame { ScintillaText text; this () { super (new MyMenuBar (this)); caption ("Scintilla Example"); border (0, 0); with (text = new ScintillaText (this)) { grid (0, 0); pad (0, 0); sticky ("<>^v"); suggestWidthAndHeight (400, 300); SetLexer (LexCpp); SetKeyWords(0, "this super assert null true false cast new delete " "throw module template instance void byte ubyte short ushort int " "uint long ulong float double extended bit char wchar imaginary " "complex delegate if else while for do switch case default break " "continue synchronized return goto try catch finally with asm struct " "class interface union enum import static final const typedef alias " "override abstract volatile debug deprecated in out inout auto align " "extern private protected public export body invariant unittest version " ); StyleSetFore(1, 0x007F00); StyleSetFore(2, 0x007F00); StyleSetFore(3, 0x007F00); StyleSetFore(4, 0x007F7F); StyleSetFore(5, 0xFF0000); StyleSetFore(6, 0x7F007F); StyleSetFore(7, 0x7F007F); StyleSetFore(10, 0x7F7F00); } load ("scintilla.d"); } void load (char [] filename) { try { char [] b = cast (char []) (filename); b ~= 0; text.SetText (cast (char []) b); } catch (FileException e) text.SetText ("Couldn't read " ~ filename ~ ". doh."); caption (filename ~ " - Scintilla Example"); } } void main () { (new Program).showModal(); }