module lisplist; import tango.stdc.stdlib; // malloc and free import StringZ = tango.stdc.stringz; import tango.stdc.string; import; import Text = tango.text.Util; alias void* POINTER; /** A CONS is a data structure that can construct lists. It consists of two cells, called the "car" cell and the "cdr" cell. A CONS is to symbolic processing what a binary digit is to numerical processing. By combining CONS we can form lists, binary trees, hierarchies, and an infinite number of other useful data structures. */ struct CONS // A CONS consists of two void pointers { POINTER car; POINTER cdr; } alias CONS *LIST; // A LIST is a pointer to a CONS cell // ------------------------------- Helper functions alias bool function(char*, char*) CompFunc; bool string_compare(char* a, char* b) { return ( a[0 .. strlen(a)] == b[0 .. strlen(b)] ); //return (fromUtf8z(a) == fromUtf8z(b)); } LIST outputlist(LIST lst) { CONS *acons; LIST list = lst; char* c; char[] o; while ( (acons = cpop(&list)) !is null ) //!is cast(LIST)null ) c = cast(char*); o = c[0 .. strlen(c)]; Cout(o).newline; //Cout( StringZ.fromStringz(cast(char*) ).newline; return lst; } // ------------------------ general-purpose list processing /** cons (create a CONS) Uses malloc to allocate a CONS and set its car cell to a and its cdr cell to b. */ CONS* cons(POINTER a, POINTER b) { CONS *z; z = cast(LIST) malloc(CONS.sizeof); if (z is null) exit(1); = a; z.cdr = b; return z; } /** pop (pop an item off a list) Uses cpop to pop a CONS off lst. if lst is empty. free the CONS and return the car cell of the CONS. */ POINTER pop(LIST *lst) { POINTER item; CONS *z; z = cpop(lst); if (z is null) return null; // list is empty item =; // get what cons pointed to free(z); // release the cons return item; } /** cpop (pop a CONS off a list) if *lst is empty return NULL, else set *lst to the the car cell of the first CONS on *lst and return a pointer to the first CONS on *lst. */ LIST cpop(LIST *lst) { LIST rvalue; rvalue = *lst; if (rvalue !is null) *lst = cast(LIST)rvalue.cdr; return rvalue; } /** push (push an item onto a list) Uses cons to create a CONS and sets its car cell to item. Its cdr is set to *lst. *lst is set to point to the CONS created. A pointer to the CONS is also returned. */ LIST push(POINTER item, LIST *lst) { return *lst = cons(item, *lst); } /** cpush (cons push) Adds a CONS to the head of a list modify the cdr cell of *z to point to *lst. Set lst to point to the CONS z and return a pointer to the CONS. */ LIST cpush(CONS *z, LIST *lst) { z.cdr = *lst; return (*lst = z); } /** reverse (reverse a list) distructively modify the cdr cells of the CONS which make up lst so that a new list is created which is the reverse of the original list. return the new list. */ LIST reverse(LIST lst) { LIST rlst = null; while (lst !is null) cpush(cpop(&lst), &rlst); return rlst; } /**split (split a list in half) Find the mid CONS in lst. set its cdr cell to null. return the remainder of lst, i.e. a pointer to the next CONS after the mid CONS. */ LIST split(LIST lst) { LIST tail = cast(LIST)lst.cdr; if ( (lst is null) || (tail is null) ) return lst; while( (tail !is null) && ( (tail = cast(LIST)tail.cdr) !is null) ) { lst = cast(LIST)lst.cdr; tail = cast(LIST)tail.cdr; } tail = cast(LIST)lst.cdr; lst.cdr = null; return tail; } /** sort (sort a list) If cmp is a two argument ordering procedure, sort the items in lst based on cmp and return the results */ LIST sort( LIST lst, CompFunc cmp) { LIST lst2; if ( (lst is null) || (lst.cdr is null) ) return lst; lst2 = split(lst); return merge( sort(lst,cmp), sort(lst2,cmp), cmp); } /** merge (merge two lists) If cmp is a two argument ordering procedure, merge the items in lst1 and lst2 based on cmp and return the results */ LIST merge(LIST lst1, LIST lst2, CompFunc cmp) { LIST rlst = null; while ( (lst1 !is null) && (lst2 !is null) ) cpush((cmp(cast(char*), cast(char*) ? cpop(&lst1) : cpop(&lst2)), &rlst); while ( lst1 !is null ) cpush( cpop(&lst1),&rlst ); while ( lst2 !is null ) cpush( cpop(&lst2), &rlst ); return reverse(rlst); } // ------------------------------ Test int main() { LIST mylist = null; char[] source = "one,two,three,Four"; // split into an array char[][] lines = Text.delimit(source, ","); foreach (line; lines) { Cout(line).newline; push(StringZ.toStringz(line), &mylist); // push to mylist } Cout("Sorted output ...").newline; // show results outputlist( sort(mylist, &string_compare) ); return 0; }