On 14 March 2014 07:42, Walter Bright <newshound2@digitalmars.com> wrote:
On 3/13/2014 1:09 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Also let's not forget that a bunch of people will have not had contact with the
group and will not have read the respective thread. For them -- happy campers
who get work done in D day in and day out, feeling no speed impact whatsoever
from a virtual vs. final decision -- we are simply exercising the brunt of a
deprecation cycle with undeniable costs and questionable (in Walter's and my
opinion) benefits.


    class C { final: ... }

achieves final-by-default and it breaks nothing.

It does nothing to prevent the library case, or the don't-early-optimise case of implying breaking changes in the future.

Please leave the virtual keyword as commit by Daniel Murphy in there. 'final:' is no use without a way to undo it for the few instances that should be virtual. It also really helps C++ portability.