Awesome, I hadn't used LDC really until last week. It was the only compiler that could compile my vibe.d project on Mac OS X.

On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 6:00 PM, Kai Nacke via Digitalmars-d-announce <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

LDC 0.15.2 beta2, the LLVM-based D compiler, is available for download!
This release is based on the 2.066.1 frontend and standard library and supports LLVM 3.1-3.6 (OS X: no support for 3.3).

Don't miss to check if your preferred system is supported by this release. There is even an alpha-quality Win64 version available!

As usual, you can find links to the changelog and the binary packages over at digitalmars.D.ldc:
