On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 1:52 AM, OlliP <jeti789@web.de> wrote:
This is now a bit confusing to me. I just made up my mind to go
with D instead of Go, because Go is too simplistic in my opinion.
Furthermore, calling C from D is a lot easier than from Go. And
now this ... I have too little understanding of D to see what the
impact of this build time issue is. Does this mean build times
come close to what they are in C++ or is this issue only about
builds not being as fast as the D people are used to ..?

Thanks, Oliver

On Saturday, 22 June 2013 at 04:45:31 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
Currently, D suffers from a high degree of interdependency between modules;
when one wants to use a single symbol (say std.traits.isInputRange), we
pull out all of std.traits, which in turn pulls out all of
std.array,std.string, etc. This results in slow compile times (relatively
to the case where we didn't have to pull all this), and fat binaries: see
example in point "D)" below.

This has been discussed many times before, and some people have suggested
breaking modules into submodules such as: std.range.traits, etc to mitigate
this a little, however this requires people to change 'import std.range'
to 'import std.range.traits' to benefit from it, and also in many cases
this will be ineffective.

I'd like to propose something different that can potentially dramatically
reduce compile time/binary size, while not requiring users to scar their
source code as above.

see timings in my original post above or try for yourself, it is already much faster than C++ (and even go as reported by some). But I'm talking here about a proposal to enable interactive time for compiling projects (ie even faster and using less memory).