Yeah I really don't understand how 'auto ref' entered this conversation? It completely misses the point.

The issue as I see it is this:
  void func(ref in Vector m);
  func(v1*v2 + Vector(10, 20, 30));

And countless situations like it, all leading to innumerable temp locals with irrelevant names:
  Vector v1v2PlusSomeStuff = v1*v2 + Vector(10, 20, 30);

Or even:
  Vector initialiser1 = Vector(10, 20, 30); // <- words can scarcely describe how annoying this is

Allowing rvalues to be passed by ref is exactly as unsafe as those examples, and that workaround is employed every time anyway, so the restriction is self-defeating.

On 5 November 2012 10:01, Jonathan M Davis <> wrote:
On Monday, November 05, 2012 06:05:07 Rob T wrote:
> On Monday, 5 November 2012 at 03:26:10 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> wrote:
> > And when we argued for altering it so that it operated like
> > const ref in C++
> > (which allows const ref in D to continue to function like it
> > does now), some
> > folks complained, because they've found the current semantics
> > of auto ref to
> > be useful (something to do with propagating the exact, original
> > type, I
> > think).
> I would expect that auto ref for a template and for a non
> template should work in exactly the same way, so why would there
> be a difference? If there must be a difference, there should be
> different semantics for specifying the difference, otherwise the
> inconsistent behaviours among identical semantics will only serve
> to confuse people.

auto ref's current semantics can't possibly work with non-templated functions,
and it's clear that there are good reasons for keeping auto ref as it is now
for templates. So, either we make it work with non-templated functions with
different (albeit similar) semantics, or we need a new attribute for doing what
we want to do with non-templated functions.

- Jonathan M Davis