actually an important use case of this feature is to help writing domain specific language inputs, eg writing a python file inside D, or config / plain text files.
# is common in many languages (eg python/bash etc) as a comment.

@ would be inside string literal so should cause little confusion from D's side, but for example would force one to escape '@' in email addresses (more rare).

Frankly, this is bike shedding though; let's assume we pick one in and focus on whether we can agree on this feature.

I'm using it extensively for great benefit: more DRY code, less spurious files, cleaner integration with D.

On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 12:33 AM, Jacob Carlborg <> wrote:
On 2013-10-31 22:47, Timothee Cour wrote:
$ is another obvious choice (eg in shell expansion)
but # could also be good as it's very much unused in D.

Yeah, # is only used for #line, which should be less common than $.

/Jacob Carlborg