On 26 September 2012 02:35, Timon Gehr <timon.gehr@gmx.ch> wrote:
On 09/26/2012 01:29 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 09/25/2012 01:53 PM, Manu wrote:
So I have this recurring pattern, it's really starting to annoy me.
It stems from the fact that a function prototype and the definition can
not appear in the same file in D (as it can in C/C++)

void func(int x); // <-- declaration of function, informs type and
associated names, args, ...

void func(int x) // <-- may be generated with magic (and may use the
prototype declaration for type information as declared by the prototype
   ... do stuff

I really need this. Why is it illegal? Is there chance of having this
supported? What are the problems?

It is illegal because nobody has written code to support it. It
should be possible to support it. I don't think there are any problems
with the concept.

(The implementation faces some challenges, the following is easy to get wrong:

module module_;

void foo();

alias foo alias1;
static if(is(typeof(alias1))){
    void foo(){}
    alias foo alias2;

static assert(__traits(isSame, alias1, alias2));
static assert(__traits(allMembers, module_).length == 3); // 2 alias, 1 function definition

I'm not sure I understand the point being illustrated here. I don't see how the aliases are relevant?
Is an alias to a prototype somehow different than an alias to a definition?

Shouldn't the discovery of a function definition within the same file as a pre-declared prototype just promote the prototype to a full definition? They are the same symbol, just that one instance adds the definition.