On 14 December 2013 01:39, Jacob Carlborg <doob@me.com> wrote:
On 2013-12-13 15:50, Manu wrote:

Really? Everything I've ever written on iOS was in full C++, with just
one .m file to boot, and marshall the view and input events :)
I think doing the same with D would be equally trivial. A game doesn't
need access to the full iOS UI library. Any OS service calls can be
wrapped in C functions in the marshalling .m file.

No need for an Objective-C file. The Objective-C methods can be accessed through the C functions available in the Objective-C runtime from D. Although, as been mentioned many times before, that's verbose and cumbersome. Both are ugly solutions, don't know which is the least ugly.

Maybe one day we'll get extern(Obj-C), that'll be an exciting day :)