On 14 December 2013 02:55, Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling@webdrake.net> wrote:
On 13/12/13 17:48, Manu wrote:
Fuck, I'm yet to meet a programmer who does iOS programming on a Mac... Many of
my (professional) friends and colleagues even use Hackintoshes to do their iOS dev!
I'd never give a cent to Apple and support their exclusive, proprietary,
walled-garden wanker's club if I can help it! ;)

Do you mind if I frame this and put it on my wall? :-)

Haha, go for it!
Fortunately the Apple fanaticism has mellowed out in recent years. There was a time not too long ago where I'd have been mauled in the streets by a fanboy lynch mob of for making claims like that...

I'd say there's a massive bias in games though since most gamedevs are windows users. Windows is the only real PC based market for games, and all the dev-tools for consoles are windows based too, so I guess it stands to reason that you don't meet too many gamedev's with an insatiable lust for Apple products.