If you weren't deliberately making a joke, you might want to google "milf". And if you were... Hmm interesting sense of humor you have there.

On Feb 18, 2015 11:40 PM, "via Digitalmars-d-announce" <digitalmars-d-announce@puremagic.com> wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 February 2015 at 22:37:34 UTC, ketmar wrote:
yet you're still alive, so at least it's not fatal

I became one year older, but I feel invigorated after this Alice encounter!

and again, so let's consider code cleanup as an exercise for the reader.

That's quite ok. I enjoy just looking at D code by different authors to get a picture of how the language is used in real code. So thanks for sharing!

i know that everybody loves textbooks where the most interesting part is left as an exercise.

Yes, especially if you get that part on an exam later on...