So I was thinking about this extern(language) thing, the obvious ones are supported, but it would be really nice to be able to implement custom conventions for other languages/scripting languages.

For instance, I'm thinking about Android, I have JNI binding code everywhere, it's really ugly.
I'd love to be able to declare:
  extern(Java) int someJavaFunc(int x, float y)

And then use my function like any regular function, with the 'extern(Java)' bit handling the JNI business behind the scenes.
I also regularly interact with javascript, lua, C#/mono, and these could all be implemented the same way.

I'm imaging some mechanism to declare a calling convention (which would be resolved within the extern(...) statement), and define it with a template, something like:

callconv Java
  R call(T...)
    // process tuple of args, make the call, return something?

  R thisCall(Class, T...)
    // also need a way to implementing methods... this might be enough.

Some fancy code in there could conceivably call into any foreign language, and this would be great!
Now when I: import java.jni;
I have the jni interface, but I also have access to extern(Java), and that's awesome! :)

The main benefit over using a template, for instance: jniCall!"functionName"(args...), would be the function name is not a string, or require custom code construct (facilitating later re-factoring or delegation to script without changing masses of existing code, something I have done often), and if it was seen by the language as a regular function call, you can mark it with all the usual stuff, const/pure/etc, and apply the expected set of optimisations to the call.

I'm sure this has been discussed before... so go on, tear it apart :)