2015-07-03 7:06 GMT+02:00 Sönke Ludwig <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com>:

It was a close decision, but the implementation is pretty simple and relatively well covered with tests, it shouldn't be an issue. So the only remaining issues would be possible compatibility issues for people not running the latest version (not *really* an issue) and the risk that the format, against all previous consideration, is deemed unsuited in the end (which would be really bad anyway).

What worries you the most?

I'm just not comfortable making a format basically nobody knows, which was introduced less than a month ago as "an additive change", which isn't as well documented and indexed as the json one is (http://code.dlang.org/package-format) the default.
In addition the likeliness that few bugs will arise doesn't mean that none will, and I'd take a used-over-the-years solution over something just implemented any day.
`dub init` is likely to be the first thing a beginner will want to do as soon as (s)he learns about code.dlang.org, and event if it's still possible to use json, it's not well documented / known yet, so I don't see a clear return on investment on this change, while I can clearly see a net loss.

Obviously I'm not saying the format is not suitable, but I'd like to give it more time to mature.