On 21 March 2012 20:32, Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail@erdani.org> wrote:
Well if the argument boils down to nice vs. ugly, as opposed to possible vs. impossible - it's quite a bit less compelling.

By this logic, I might as well stick with C++. It's 'possible' to do everything I need, but it makes my cry myself to sleep at night, and wastes insane amounts of time.
Code simplicity and cleanliess on the front end IS important, it makes code reasable, maintainable.
In a large code team, if someone has to go out of their way to understand some code, chances are, they won't understand it, and make improper or damaging changes to it. Or make improper implementations based on it.
This will destroy your code across 5 years or so. In gamedev, the average engine codebase lasts 10+ years.