February 10, 2008
DWin 0.35 has been released, tested with DMD 1.024 and Tango 0.99.4 Frank.

== Current branches of the DWin include ==

* dwin.core.com :

    ported juno.com to Tango.

* dwin.sys.win32.Registry:

    ported juno.utils.registry to Tango.

* dwin.sys.win32.ie :

    wrappers of Windows Internet Exploer functions.

* dwin.sys.win32.ShellLink :

    Create shortcut on Windows.

* dwin.net.smtp.MailSender:

    Send Email via Windows cdosys.dll.

* dwin.text.Properties:

    Loads an ini style file.

    tango.text.Properties does not support multi lines value and section.

    Sometimes, you can use this module instead.

* dwin.math.bigint:

    Can use arbitrary size of input number.

* dwin.text.pcre :

	The Regular Expression module in D based on the PCRE lib by iceeLyne.

And Some Extensions to Tango

== Downloads ==

 * svn     : svn co http://svn.dsource.org/projects/dwin/trunk dwin

 * stable  : [http://www.dsource.org/projects/dwin/changeset/120/trunk?old_path=%2F&format=zip dwin-r120.zip]

== Building ==

Assume DWin at D:\d\dwin

Building a static library of DWin, Just :

''' 1 ''' Download and install DSSS from [http://www.dsource.org/projects/dsss DSSS]

''' 2 ''' Copy D:\d\dwin\dsss.conf to D:\d\dsss.conf

''' 3 ''' run

	dsss build dwin

If you want to use some Phobos functions in DWin, add -version=pho to DSSS buildflags manually.

If you want to use a few DFL functions in DWin, add -versin=DFL to DSSS buildflags manually.

== History ==

16 Oct 2007 DWin 0.10 released.

21 Oct 2007 DWin 0.20 released.

16 Dec 2007, DWin 0.30 released.

10 Feb 2008, DWin 0.35 released.

== Forums ==

Make suggestions and ask questions in the :

[http://www.dsource.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=163 DSource Forum]

[http://www.d-programming-language-china.org/ D programming language Chinese Forum]

== Home ==

[http://www.dsource.org/projects/dwin/ DWin]

== Submissions ==

If you've got some Tango based code lying around that you think everyone could benefit from let us know!

== Maintainer ==

 * yidabu at g m a i l dot com

yidabu <yidabu.nospam@gmail.com>
D Programming Language China: