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Thread overview
May 18, 2001
Werner Hürttlen
May 18, 2001
May 22, 2001
Werner Hürttlen
May 22, 2001
May 23, 2001
Werner Hürttlen
Jun 02, 2001
Jun 06, 2001
Werner Hürttlen
Aug 01, 2001
Mark Essers
Aug 02, 2001
Aug 02, 2001
Mark Essers
Aug 03, 2001
Sep 21, 2001
Jun 07, 2001
Werner Hürttlen
Jun 08, 2001
Jun 11, 2001
Werner Hürttlen
Jun 08, 2001
simple testprogram runs, but I get linking errors
May 23, 2001
Werner Hürttlen
May 23, 2001
May 28, 2001
Werner Hürttlen
May 29, 2001
May 29, 2001
Werner Hürttlen
May 18, 2001
happy to see this comiler.
Using my good old ztc V3.0r2 and X32 and flash-Graphics I tried to
switch with my project to MARS, but it seems the FlashGraphic-part will
not work, linking my good old fgp.lib (date: 18.6.1991) gives errors.

Any idea ?

Werner Hürttlen

This is my makefile:

chopper.exe:  chopper.obj chopper.hpp testmod.obj menue.obj menu.hpp
io_karte.obj dig_io.obj intmask.obj init.obj zeichnen.obj zeichnen.hpp
r_w__ini.obj deconv.obj deconvm1.obj
    sc -mX chopper testmod menue io_karte dig_io intmask init zeichnen
r_w__ini deconv deconvm1 wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib

chopper.obj:   chopper.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o chopper wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
testmod.obj:   testmod.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o testmod wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
menue.obj:   menue.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o menue wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
io_karte.obj:   io_karte.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o io_karte wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
dig_io.obj:   dig_io.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o dig_io wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
intmask.obj:   intmask.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o intmask wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
init.obj:   init.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o init wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
zeichnen.obj:   zeichnen.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o zeichnen wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
r_w__ini.obj:   r_w__ini.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o r_w__ini wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
deconv.obj:   deconv.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o deconv wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
deconvm1.obj:   deconvm1.cpp
    sc -c -mX -o deconvm1 wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib

This is the compiler-output:

sc -c -mX -o chopper wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib

sc -c -mX -o testmod wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib

sc -c -mX -o menue wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(268) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(268) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
void test_buttons_zeichne(){
menue.cpp(685) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(779) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(779) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
void deconvm1_buttons_zeichne(){
menue.cpp(1061) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1155) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1155) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
void grafik_buttons_zeichne(){
menue.cpp(1442) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1637) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1637) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
void koord_buttons_zeichne(){
menue.cpp(1741) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1847) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1847) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
void messung_speichern_buttons_zeichne(){
menue.cpp(2157) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(2228) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(2228) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
int online_menu(void)
menue.cpp(2324) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set

sc -c -mX -o io_karte wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
io_karte.cpp(168) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(168) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(169) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(169) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(170) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(170) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(171) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(171) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(172) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(172) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(173) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(173) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(174) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(174) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(175) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(175) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to

sc -c -mX -o dig_io wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
void WritePort(unsigned char port, unsigned char zahl)
dig_io.cpp(184) : Warning 18: implied return of ReadPort at closing '}'
does not return value

sc -c -mX -o intmask wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib

sc -c -mX -o init wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib

sc -c -mX -o zeichnen wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib

sc -c -mX -o r_w__ini wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib

sc -c -mX -o deconv wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib

sc -c -mX -o deconvm1 wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib

sc -mX chopper testmod menue io_karte dig_io intmask init zeichnen
r_w__ini deconv deconvm1 wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(268) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(268) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(779) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(779) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1155) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1155) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1637) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1637) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1847) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(1847) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(2228) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
		v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt);		//returns the interrupt of the
keyboard, ... detected
menue.cpp(2228) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(168) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(168) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(169) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(169) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(170) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(170) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(171) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(171) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(172) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(172) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(173) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(173) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(174) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(174) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(175) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
io_karte.cpp(175) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
void WritePort(unsigned char port, unsigned char zahl)
dig_io.cpp(184) : Warning 18: implied return of ReadPort at closing '}'
does not return value

OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved

 Warning 2: File Not Found cpptx.lib
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fgc)  Offset 03DE5H Record Type 0088
 Warning 169: Memory Model Conflict
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 041FAH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04206H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04212H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 0421EH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 0422AH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04236H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04242H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 0424EH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 0425AH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04266H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04272H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 0428AH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03F8CH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03F98H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FA4H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FB0H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FBCH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FC8H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FD4H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FE0H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FECH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FF8H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 04004H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 0401CH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C29H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C35H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C41H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C4DH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C59H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C65H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C71H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C7DH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C89H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C95H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04CA1H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04CB9H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05A89H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05A95H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AA1H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AADH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AB9H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AC5H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AD1H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05ADDH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AE9H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AF5H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05B01H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05B19H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 0661AH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06626H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06632H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 0663EH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 0664AH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06656H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06662H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 0666EH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 0667AH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06686H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06692H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 066AAH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 0703DH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07049H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07055H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07061H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 0706DH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07079H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07085H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07091H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 0709DH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 070A9H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 070B5H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 070CDH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 049FCH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A08H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A14H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A20H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A2CH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A38H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A44H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A50H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A5CH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A68H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A74H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A8CH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04AB8H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04AC4H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04AD0H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04ADCH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04AE8H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04AF4H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B00H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B0CH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B18H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B24H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B30H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B48H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B0CH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B18H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B24H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B30H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B3CH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B48H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B54H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B60H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B6CH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B78H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B84H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B9CH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D3DH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D49H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D55H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D61H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D6DH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D79H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D85H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D91H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D9DH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06DA9H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06DB5H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06DCDH Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
 Warning 2: File Not Found ZPs.lib
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(cinit)  Offset FD343H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(NMALLOC)  Offset FEB78H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib Offset FFCF3H Record Type 0088
 Warning 169: Memory Model Conflict
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(getdos)  Offset FDC37H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(disp)  Offset FEDC5H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(double)  Offset FC9F8H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(io)  Offset FEBE3H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(fputc)  Offset FD5F7H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(getenv)  Offset FE0F7H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(write)  Offset FD297H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(read)  Offset FFDA6H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(chkstk)  Offset FD107H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(patch32)  Offset FEB59H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(flt87)  Offset FFD57H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(ldexp)  Offset FF577H Record Type 0098
 Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zDList@@QAE@F@Z (syscall
zDList::zDList(short ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zBitVec16@@QAE@G@Z (syscall
zBitVec16::zBitVec16(unsigned short ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?cleanup@zDList@@AAEXXZ (void syscall
zDList::cleanup(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?purge@zTWindowSet@@AAEXXZ (void syscall
zTWindowSet::purge(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?close@zTWindow@@QAEHXZ (int syscall
zTWindow::close(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?suspend@zTWindow@@QAEXXZ (void syscall
zTWindow::suspend(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?puts@zTWindow@@QAEXPAD@Z (void syscall
zTWindow::puts(char *))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?clear@zTWindow@@QAEXXZ (void syscall
zTWindow::clear(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?gets@zTWindow@@QAEHPAD@Z (int syscall
zTWindow::gets(char *))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?locate@zTWindow@@QAEXFF@Z (void syscall
zTWindow::locate(short ,short ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?printf@zTWindow@@QAAHPADZZ (int cdecl
zTWindow::printf(char *,...))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?title@zTWindow@@QAEHPBD@Z (int syscall
zTWindow::title(char const *))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zTWindow@@QAE@PAVzTWindowSet@@FFFFFFF@Z
(syscall zTWindow::zTWindow(zTWindowSet *,short ,short ,short ,short
,short ,short ,short ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?showmouse@zEventQueue@@QAEXXZ (void syscall
zEventQueue::showmouse(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?zEQ@@3VzEventQueue@@A (zEventQueue zEQ)
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?cursoff@zScreenArea@@QAEXXZ (void syscall
zScreenArea::cursoff(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?chat@zScreenArea@@QAEXFF@Z (void syscall
zScreenArea::chat(short ,short ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?puts@zScreenArea@@QAEXPBD@Z (void syscall
zScreenArea::puts(char const *))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?edit@zStringEditor@@QAEHHHPADHHH@Z (int
syscall zStringEditor::edit(int ,int ,char *,int ,int ,int ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zStringEditor@@QAE@HH@Z (syscall
zStringEditor::zStringEditor(int ,int ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?cursor@zScreenArea@@QAEXFF@Z (void syscall
zScreenArea::cursor(short ,short ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?hidemouse@zEventQueue@@QAEXXZ (void syscall
zEventQueue::hidemouse(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zScreenArea@@QAE@FFFFPBDF@Z (syscall
zScreenArea::zScreenArea(short ,short ,short ,short ,char const *,short
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??1zTUI@@QAE@XZ (syscall zTUI::~zTUI(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?source@zTUI@@QAEHAAVzEvent@@AAFF@Z (int
syscall zTUI::source(zEvent &,short &,short ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zEvent@@QAE@W4event_t@@HHHH@Z (syscall
zEvent::zEvent(event_t ,int ,int ,int ,int ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined
(syscall zTUI::zTUI(zScreenSpec const &,zScreenSpec const &,zMenSysSpec
const &,char const *,zScrollSpec const *,zScrollSpec const *))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zButton@@QAE@FFPBD0FF@Z (syscall
zButton::zButton(short ,short ,char const *,char const *,short ,short ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined
?get@zEventQueue@@QAEAAVzEvent@@W4event_t@@H@Z (zEvent &syscall
zEventQueue::get(event_t ,int ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?karte_testen@@YAHXZ (int cdecl
karte_testen(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??1zScreenArea@@UAE@XZ (syscall
zScreenArea::~zScreenArea(void ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?printf@zScreenArea@@QAAHPADZZ (int cdecl
zScreenArea::printf(char *,...))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?scroll@zScreenArea@@QAEXF@Z (void syscall
zScreenArea::scroll(short ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?putch@zScreenArea@@QAEXEF@Z (void syscall
zScreenArea::putch(unsigned char ,short ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?putch@zTWindow@@QAEXD@Z (void syscall
zTWindow::putch(char ))
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?process_event@zButton@@UAEHAAVzEvent@@AAF@Z
(int syscall zButton::process_event(zEvent &,short &))
OPTLINK : Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : DGROUP

--- errorlevel 36

--- errorlevel 36
May 18, 2001
Try using the old Zortech blink linker.

Werner Hürttlen wrote in message <3B04ED48.32B353C2@fz-juelich.de>...
>happy to see this comiler.
>Using my good old ztc V3.0r2 and X32 and flash-Graphics I tried to
>switch with my project to MARS, but it seems the FlashGraphic-part will
>not work, linking my good old fgp.lib (date: 18.6.1991) gives errors.
>Any idea ?
> greetings
>Werner Hürttlen
>This is my makefile:
>chopper.exe:  chopper.obj chopper.hpp testmod.obj menue.obj menu.hpp io_karte.obj dig_io.obj intmask.obj init.obj zeichnen.obj zeichnen.hpp r_w__ini.obj deconv.obj deconvm1.obj
>    sc -mX chopper testmod menue io_karte dig_io intmask init zeichnen
>r_w__ini deconv deconvm1 wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>chopper.obj:   chopper.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o chopper wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>testmod.obj:   testmod.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o testmod wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>menue.obj:   menue.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o menue wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>io_karte.obj:   io_karte.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o io_karte wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>dig_io.obj:   dig_io.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o dig_io wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>intmask.obj:   intmask.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o intmask wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>init.obj:   init.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o init wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>zeichnen.obj:   zeichnen.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o zeichnen wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>r_w__ini.obj:   r_w__ini.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o r_w__ini wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>deconv.obj:   deconv.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o deconv wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>deconvm1.obj:   deconvm1.cpp
>    sc -c -mX -o deconvm1 wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>This is the compiler-output:
>sc -c -mX -o chopper wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>sc -c -mX -o testmod wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>sc -c -mX -o menue wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(268) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(268) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>void test_buttons_zeichne(){
>   ^
>menue.cpp(685) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(779) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(779) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>void deconvm1_buttons_zeichne(){
>   ^
>menue.cpp(1061) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1155) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1155) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>void grafik_buttons_zeichne(){
>   ^
>menue.cpp(1442) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1637) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1637) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>void koord_buttons_zeichne(){
>   ^
>menue.cpp(1741) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1847) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1847) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>void messung_speichern_buttons_zeichne(){
>   ^
>menue.cpp(2157) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(2228) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(2228) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>int online_menu(void)
>  ^
>menue.cpp(2324) : Warning 12: variable 'mbs' used before set
>sc -c -mX -o io_karte wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>                if(b_id.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(168) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_id.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(168) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_q.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(169) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_q.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(169) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(170) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(170) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_s.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(171) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_s.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(171) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_pl.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(172) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_pl.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(172) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_ps.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(173) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_ps.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(173) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_fifo_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                                   ^
>io_karte.cpp(174) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_fifo_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                                   ^
>io_karte.cpp(174) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_real_fifo_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                                        ^
>io_karte.cpp(175) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_real_fifo_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                                        ^
>io_karte.cpp(175) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>sc -c -mX -o dig_io wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib void WritePort(unsigned char port, unsigned char zahl)
>   ^
>dig_io.cpp(184) : Warning 18: implied return of ReadPort at closing '}'
>does not return value
>sc -c -mX -o intmask wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>sc -c -mX -o init wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>sc -c -mX -o zeichnen wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>sc -c -mX -o r_w__ini wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>sc -c -mX -o deconv wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>sc -c -mX -o deconvm1 wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
>sc -mX chopper testmod menue io_karte dig_io intmask init zeichnen r_w__ini deconv deconvm1 wh_ztc_x.lib x32.lib cpptx.lib fgp.lib
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(268) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(268) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(779) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(779) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1155) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1155) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1637) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1637) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1847) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(1847) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(2228) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
> v = tui.source(e,mbs,prompt); //returns the interrupt of the
>keyboard, ... detected
>                            ^
>menue.cpp(2228) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_id.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(168) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_id.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(168) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_q.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(169) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_q.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(169) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(170) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(170) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_s.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(171) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_s.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                              ^
>io_karte.cpp(171) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_pl.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(172) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_pl.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(172) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_ps.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(173) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_ps.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                               ^
>io_karte.cpp(173) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_fifo_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                                   ^
>io_karte.cpp(174) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_fifo_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                                   ^
>io_karte.cpp(174) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_real_fifo_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                                        ^
>io_karte.cpp(175) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>                if(b_real_fifo_l.process_event(k_event,0)){;}
>                                                        ^
>io_karte.cpp(175) : Warning 11: non-const reference initialized to
>void WritePort(unsigned char port, unsigned char zahl)
>   ^
>dig_io.cpp(184) : Warning 18: implied return of ReadPort at closing '}'
>does not return value
>OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
>Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved
> Warning 2: File Not Found cpptx.lib
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fgc)  Offset 03DE5H Record Type 0088
> Warning 169: Memory Model Conflict
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 041FAH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04206H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04212H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 0421EH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 0422AH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04236H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04242H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 0424EH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 0425AH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04266H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 04272H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(misc)  Offset 0428AH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03F8CH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03F98H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FA4H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FB0H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FBCH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FC8H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FD4H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FE0H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FECH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 03FF8H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 04004H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fg8bit)  Offset 0401CH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C29H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C35H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C41H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C4DH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C59H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C65H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C71H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C7DH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C89H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04C95H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04CA1H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ega)  Offset 04CB9H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05A89H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05A95H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AA1H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AADH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AB9H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AC5H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AD1H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05ADDH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AE9H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05AF5H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05B01H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(isa)  Offset 05B19H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 0661AH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06626H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06632H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 0663EH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 0664AH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06656H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06662H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 0666EH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 0667AH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06686H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 06692H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(herc)  Offset 066AAH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 0703DH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07049H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07055H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07061H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 0706DH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07079H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07085H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 07091H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 0709DH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 070A9H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 070B5H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(palette)  Offset 070CDH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 049FCH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A08H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A14H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A20H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A2CH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A38H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A44H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A50H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A5CH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A68H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A74H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(tables)  Offset 04A8CH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04AB8H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04AC4H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04AD0H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04ADCH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04AE8H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04AF4H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B00H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B0CH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B18H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B24H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B30H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(ai)  Offset 04B48H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B0CH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B18H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B24H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B30H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B3CH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B48H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B54H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B60H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B6CH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B78H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B84H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(common)  Offset 06B9CH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D3DH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _DATA
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D49H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D55H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XI
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D61H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XIE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D6DH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCB
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D79H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XC
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D85H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : XCE
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D91H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : CONST
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06D9DH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06DA9H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : HUGE_BSS
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06DB5H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : EEND
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(cgameda)  Offset 06DCDH Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : _TEXT
> Warning 2: File Not Found ZPs.lib
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(cinit)  Offset FD343H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(NMALLOC)  Offset FEB78H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib Offset FFCF3H Record Type 0088
> Warning 169: Memory Model Conflict
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(getdos)  Offset FDC37H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(disp)  Offset FEDC5H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(double)  Offset FC9F8H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(io)  Offset FEBE3H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(fputc)  Offset FD5F7H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(getenv)  Offset FE0F7H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(write)  Offset FD297H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(read)  Offset FFDA6H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(chkstk)  Offset FD107H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(patch32)  Offset FEB59H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(flt87)  Offset FFD57H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
>C:\dm\BIN\..\lib\SDX.lib(ldexp)  Offset FF577H Record Type 0098
> Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : STACK
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zDList@@QAE@F@Z (syscall
>zDList::zDList(short ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zBitVec16@@QAE@G@Z (syscall
>zBitVec16::zBitVec16(unsigned short ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?cleanup@zDList@@AAEXXZ (void syscall
>zDList::cleanup(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?purge@zTWindowSet@@AAEXXZ (void syscall
>zTWindowSet::purge(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?close@zTWindow@@QAEHXZ (int syscall
>zTWindow::close(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?suspend@zTWindow@@QAEXXZ (void syscall
>zTWindow::suspend(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?puts@zTWindow@@QAEXPAD@Z (void syscall
>zTWindow::puts(char *))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?clear@zTWindow@@QAEXXZ (void syscall
>zTWindow::clear(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?gets@zTWindow@@QAEHPAD@Z (int syscall
>zTWindow::gets(char *))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?locate@zTWindow@@QAEXFF@Z (void syscall
>zTWindow::locate(short ,short ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?printf@zTWindow@@QAAHPADZZ (int cdecl
>zTWindow::printf(char *,...))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?title@zTWindow@@QAEHPBD@Z (int syscall
>zTWindow::title(char const *))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zTWindow@@QAE@PAVzTWindowSet@@FFFFFFF@Z
>(syscall zTWindow::zTWindow(zTWindowSet *,short ,short ,short ,short
>,short ,short ,short ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?showmouse@zEventQueue@@QAEXXZ (void syscall
>zEventQueue::showmouse(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?zEQ@@3VzEventQueue@@A (zEventQueue zEQ)
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?cursoff@zScreenArea@@QAEXXZ (void syscall
>zScreenArea::cursoff(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?chat@zScreenArea@@QAEXFF@Z (void syscall
>zScreenArea::chat(short ,short ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?puts@zScreenArea@@QAEXPBD@Z (void syscall
>zScreenArea::puts(char const *))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?edit@zStringEditor@@QAEHHHPADHHH@Z (int
>syscall zStringEditor::edit(int ,int ,char *,int ,int ,int ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zStringEditor@@QAE@HH@Z (syscall
>zStringEditor::zStringEditor(int ,int ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?cursor@zScreenArea@@QAEXFF@Z (void syscall
>zScreenArea::cursor(short ,short ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?hidemouse@zEventQueue@@QAEXXZ (void syscall
>zEventQueue::hidemouse(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zScreenArea@@QAE@FFFFPBDF@Z (syscall
>zScreenArea::zScreenArea(short ,short ,short ,short ,char const *,short
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??1zTUI@@QAE@XZ (syscall zTUI::~zTUI(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?source@zTUI@@QAEHAAVzEvent@@AAFF@Z (int
>syscall zTUI::source(zEvent &,short &,short ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zEvent@@QAE@W4event_t@@HHHH@Z (syscall
>zEvent::zEvent(event_t ,int ,int ,int ,int ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined
>(syscall zTUI::zTUI(zScreenSpec const &,zScreenSpec const &,zMenSysSpec
>const &,char const *,zScrollSpec const *,zScrollSpec const *))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??0zButton@@QAE@FFPBD0FF@Z (syscall
>zButton::zButton(short ,short ,char const *,char const *,short ,short ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined
>?get@zEventQueue@@QAEAAVzEvent@@W4event_t@@H@Z (zEvent &syscall
>zEventQueue::get(event_t ,int ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?karte_testen@@YAHXZ (int cdecl
>karte_testen(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ??1zScreenArea@@UAE@XZ (syscall
>zScreenArea::~zScreenArea(void ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?printf@zScreenArea@@QAAHPADZZ (int cdecl
>zScreenArea::printf(char *,...))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?scroll@zScreenArea@@QAEXF@Z (void syscall
>zScreenArea::scroll(short ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?putch@zScreenArea@@QAEXEF@Z (void syscall
>zScreenArea::putch(unsigned char ,short ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?putch@zTWindow@@QAEXD@Z (void syscall
>zTWindow::putch(char ))
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined ?process_event@zButton@@UAEHAAVzEvent@@AAF@Z
>(int syscall zButton::process_event(zEvent &,short &))
>OPTLINK : Warning 148: USE16/USE32 Mismatch : DGROUP
>--- errorlevel 36
>--- errorlevel 36

May 22, 2001
Hi Walter,

Walter schrieb:
> Try using the old Zortech blink linker.

I tried out a lot, errors and warnings now are reduced:

first I found on my harddisk an update from flash-graphics dated from 1993, I ordered from flashtek years ago, but never used.

Using this flashgraphics fgp.lib and my sdx.lib( don´t know what this is...) from SC7.21 your Mars-SC I get:

my makefile is:

new.exe: new.obj
	sc new.obj X32V.lib fgp.lib -mx -g -6 -Bg

new.obj: new.cpp
	sc new.cpp X32V.lib fgp.lib -c -mx -g -6 -Bg

I get as output:
sc new.cpp X32V.lib fgp.lib -c -mx -g -6 -Bg

sc new.obj X32V.lib fgp.lib -mx -g -6 -Bg
link C:\dm\LIB\cx+new,new,,X32V+fgp/co/noi;

OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved

 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_osmode
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_getenv
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_malloc
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_free

--- errorlevel 4

--- errorlevel 4

using blink I get as output: (blink
C:\dm\LIB\cx+new,new,,X32V+fgp/co/noi; )
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Opening C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\ztc_1.tmp
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
Error: undefined symbols:
    _exit in cx.ASM (C:\dm\LIB\cx.OBJ)
    _printf in new.cpp (new.OBJ)
    __setenvp in ..\core32\cinit.asm (..\core32\cinit.asm)
    __SET_DOS_ERRNO in ..\dos32\io.asm (..\dos32\io.asm) and
..\dos32\getdos.asm (..\dos32\getdos.asm)
    __flushterm in ..\dos32\getdos.asm (..\dos32\getdos.asm)
    _fg_osmode in CGAMEDA.asm (CGAMEDA.asm), FG24BIT.asm (FG24BIT.asm),
FG16BIT.asm (FG16BIT.asm), TRAVERSE.asm (TRAVERSE.asm), ISA_VESA.asm
(ISA_VESA.asm), HERC.asm (HERC.asm), COMMON.asm (COMMON.asm), ISA.asm
(ISA.asm), FG8BIT.asm (FG8BIT.asm), EGA.asm (EGA.asm), FG_MSM.asm
(FG_MSM.asm) and MISC.asm (MISC.asm)
    _vprintf in ..\core\_printf.c (..\core\_printf.c)
    __SET_ERRNO in ..\core32\read.asm (..\core32\read.asm),
..\dos32\io.asm (..\dos32\io.asm) and ..\core32\write.asm
    _fflush in ..\core\flush.c (..\core\flush.c), ..\core\flush.c
(..\core\flush.c), ..\core\flush.c (..\core\flush.c), ..\core\flushall.c
(..\core\flushall.c), ..\core\fclose.c (..\core\fclose.c),
..\core32\fputc.asm (..\core32\fputc.asm), ..\core\vprintf.c
(..\core\vprintf.c) and ..\core\flush.c (..\core\flush.c)
    _fg_getenv in ..\fgc.c (..\fgc.c)
    _fg_malloc in ..\fgc.c (..\fgc.c), ..\fgc.c (..\fgc.c), ..\fgc.c
(..\fgc.c), ..\floodfil.c (..\floodfil.c) and EGA.asm (EGA.asm)
    __pformat in ..\core\vprintf.c (..\core\vprintf.c)
    _fclose in ..\core\iob.c (..\core\iob.c)
    _flushall in ..\core\fflush.c (..\core\fflush.c)
    _fg_free in ..\fgc.c (..\fgc.c), ..\fgc.c (..\fgc.c), ..\fgc.c
(..\fgc.c) and ..\floodfil.c (..\floodfil.c)
    _strlen in ..\core\printf.c (..\core\printf.c) and ..\core\printf.c
    __fillbuf in ..\core32\fputc.asm (..\core32\fputc.asm)
    __flushbu in ..\core32\fputc.asm (..\core32\fputc.asm)
    _memset in ..\core\fclose.c (..\core\fclose.c)
    _FREEBUF in ..\core\fclose.c (..\core\fclose.c)
    _sprintf in ..\core\fclose.c (..\core\fclose.c)

Warning: no stack segment #####################################################

Walter, sorry to ask, but what do you think ?

May 22, 2001
Can you try a very simple graphics program, like just opening and closing the graphics package?

(BTW, Flash Graphics is not a Digital Mars product.)

Werner Hürttlen wrote in message <3B0A6803.91208C63@fz-juelich.de>...
>Hi Walter,
>Walter schrieb:
>> Try using the old Zortech blink linker.
>I tried out a lot, errors and warnings now are reduced:
>first I found on my harddisk an update from flash-graphics dated from 1993, I ordered from flashtek years ago, but never used.
>Using this flashgraphics fgp.lib and my sdx.lib( don´t know what this is...) from SC7.21 your Mars-SC I get:
>my makefile is:
>##################################################### new.exe: new.obj
> sc new.obj X32V.lib fgp.lib -mx -g -6 -Bg
>new.obj: new.cpp
> sc new.cpp X32V.lib fgp.lib -c -mx -g -6 -Bg
>I get as output:
>sc new.cpp X32V.lib fgp.lib -c -mx -g -6 -Bg
>sc new.obj X32V.lib fgp.lib -mx -g -6 -Bg
>link C:\dm\LIB\cx+new,new,,X32V+fgp/co/noi;
>OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
>Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_osmode
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_getenv
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_malloc
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_free
>--- errorlevel 4
>--- errorlevel 4
>using blink I get as output: (blink
>C:\dm\LIB\cx+new,new,,X32V+fgp/co/noi; )
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Opening C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\ztc_1.tmp
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Warning: COMENT record with unknown memory model 'x'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xca in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xbc in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: FIXUPP.TARGT.extdef index out-of-range
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: unknown object record, type=0xc3 in 'SDX'
>Error: undefined symbols:
>    _exit in cx.ASM (C:\dm\LIB\cx.OBJ)
>    _printf in new.cpp (new.OBJ)
>    __setenvp in ..\core32\cinit.asm (..\core32\cinit.asm)
>    __SET_DOS_ERRNO in ..\dos32\io.asm (..\dos32\io.asm) and
>..\dos32\getdos.asm (..\dos32\getdos.asm)
>    __flushterm in ..\dos32\getdos.asm (..\dos32\getdos.asm)
>    _fg_osmode in CGAMEDA.asm (CGAMEDA.asm), FG24BIT.asm (FG24BIT.asm),
>FG16BIT.asm (FG16BIT.asm), TRAVERSE.asm (TRAVERSE.asm), ISA_VESA.asm
>(ISA_VESA.asm), HERC.asm (HERC.asm), COMMON.asm (COMMON.asm), ISA.asm
>(ISA.asm), FG8BIT.asm (FG8BIT.asm), EGA.asm (EGA.asm), FG_MSM.asm
>(FG_MSM.asm) and MISC.asm (MISC.asm)
>    _vprintf in ..\core\_printf.c (..\core\_printf.c)
>    __SET_ERRNO in ..\core32\read.asm (..\core32\read.asm),
>..\dos32\io.asm (..\dos32\io.asm) and ..\core32\write.asm
>    _fflush in ..\core\flush.c (..\core\flush.c), ..\core\flush.c
>(..\core\flush.c), ..\core\flush.c (..\core\flush.c), ..\core\flushall.c
>(..\core\flushall.c), ..\core\fclose.c (..\core\fclose.c),
>..\core32\fputc.asm (..\core32\fputc.asm), ..\core\vprintf.c
>(..\core\vprintf.c) and ..\core\flush.c (..\core\flush.c)
>    _fg_getenv in ..\fgc.c (..\fgc.c)
>    _fg_malloc in ..\fgc.c (..\fgc.c), ..\fgc.c (..\fgc.c), ..\fgc.c
>(..\fgc.c), ..\floodfil.c (..\floodfil.c) and EGA.asm (EGA.asm)
>    __pformat in ..\core\vprintf.c (..\core\vprintf.c)
>    _fclose in ..\core\iob.c (..\core\iob.c)
>    _flushall in ..\core\fflush.c (..\core\fflush.c)
>    _fg_free in ..\fgc.c (..\fgc.c), ..\fgc.c (..\fgc.c), ..\fgc.c
>(..\fgc.c) and ..\floodfil.c (..\floodfil.c)
>    _strlen in ..\core\printf.c (..\core\printf.c) and ..\core\printf.c
>    __fillbuf in ..\core32\fputc.asm (..\core32\fputc.asm)
>    __flushbu in ..\core32\fputc.asm (..\core32\fputc.asm)
>    _memset in ..\core\fclose.c (..\core\fclose.c)
>    _FREEBUF in ..\core\fclose.c (..\core\fclose.c)
>    _sprintf in ..\core\fclose.c (..\core\fclose.c)
>Warning: no stack segment #####################################################
>Walter, sorry to ask, but what do you think ?

May 23, 2001
Walter schrieb:
> Can you try a very simple graphics program, like just opening and closing the graphics package?

Yes, I will make such a simple program, only with main and fg_init(). I
will do it later. Thanks.

> (BTW, Flash Graphics is not a Digital Mars product.)
Agreed. But I have decided to use it 8 years ago in 4 projects. X32 and
FlashGraphics have been my reason to buy zortech 10 years ago.
Doug Huffman was so helpful to forward my question to Joe Huffman, the
autor of FlashGraphics, but up to now I got no answer.

So, to continue with MARS I am missing only a DOS-Graphics-package. Best
would be of course to get flashgraphics running with MARS,
if this is not possible, what package should I use instead ?

I only need something to put text and graphic pixels on a screen. I don´t want to program my own drivers at register-level for diffrent graphics-cards, so I need a package, accessing the hardware for me, and give me a portable interface.

thanks for every idea and help,

May 23, 2001
Walter schrieb:
> Can you try a very simple graphics program, like just opening and closing the graphics package?

Here is my simple testprogram. It runs, the generated .exe shows a red
circle.  (I am happy...)
But I get linker errors...

here is the code:

#include "zeichnen.hpp"

void main(void)
  printf("simple test\n");
    fg_drawarc(FG_RED,FG_MODE_SET,~0,400,300, 100, 0, 3600,\

here is the makefile:

simple.exe: simple.obj
	sc simple.obj X32V.lib fgp.lib -mx -g

simple.obj: simple.cpp
	sc simple.cpp X32V.lib fgp.lib -c -mx -g

here is the compiling output:

sc simple.cpp X32V.lib fgp.lib -c -mx -g

sc simple.obj X32V.lib fgp.lib -mx -g
link C:\dm\LIB\cx+simple,simple,,X32V+fgp/co/noi;

OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved

 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_osmode
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_malloc
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_getenv
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_free

--- errorlevel 4

--- errorlevel 4

my fgp.lib is from 29.07.1993 22:21.

Why the Errors ?

May 23, 2001
What is zeichnen.hpp?

As far as I know, the _fg_ symbols should be in the fgp.lib library. Try running lib on fgp.lib to generate a .lst file to see what symbols are in there. Are there other libraries that come with flash graphics? Is there an fgx.lib? (The reason I say this is 'p' may mean for the pharlap version, not the dosx version.)


"Werner Hürttlen" <w.huerttlen@fz-juelich.de> wrote in message news:3B0BB651.61AE8868@fz-juelich.de...
> Walter schrieb:
> >
> > Can you try a very simple graphics program, like just opening and
> > the graphics package?
> Here is my simple testprogram. It runs, the generated .exe shows a red
> circle.  (I am happy...)
> But I get linker errors...
> here is the code:
> ###########################
> #include "zeichnen.hpp"
> void main(void)
> {
>   printf("simple test\n");
>   fg_init_vesa2();
>   while(!kbhit())
>     fg_drawarc(FG_RED,FG_MODE_SET,~0,400,300, 100, 0, 3600,\
> fg.displaybox);
>   fg_term();
> }
> ############################
> here is the makefile:
> ############################
> simple.exe: simple.obj
> sc simple.obj X32V.lib fgp.lib -mx -g
> simple.obj: simple.cpp
> sc simple.cpp X32V.lib fgp.lib -c -mx -g
> ############################
> here is the compiling output:
> ############################
> sc simple.cpp X32V.lib fgp.lib -c -mx -g
> sc simple.obj X32V.lib fgp.lib -mx -g
> link C:\dm\LIB\cx+simple,simple,,X32V+fgp/co/noi;
> OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 7.50B1
> Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001  All Rights Reserved
> C:\DM\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(MISC)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_osmode
> C:\DM\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(EGA)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_malloc
> C:\DM\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(fgc)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_getenv
> C:\DM\BIN\..\lib\fgp.lib(floodfil)
>  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _fg_free
> --- errorlevel 4
> --- errorlevel 4
> ##############################
> my fgp.lib is from 29.07.1993 22:21.
> Why the Errors ?
> Werner

May 28, 2001
Hi Walter,

Walter schrieb:
> What is zeichnen.hpp?

sorry for confusion, in it is nothing I use, only fg.h the flashgraphics
header file and stdio.h.

> As far as I know, the _fg_ symbols should be in the fgp.lib library. Try running lib on fgp.lib to generate a .lst file to see what symbols are in there.

Doing lib.exe on the fgp.lib from 1993 I get no match for the missing
symbols (_fg_osmode,_fg_malloc, _fg_getenv, _fg_free).
Doing a text-search in fgp.lib I can see all missing symbols are listed
as text in the fgp.lib.
Why does your lib.exe did not find them ?

Because my program runs, I suppose I do not use these functions/globals _fg_osmode,_fg_malloc, _fg_getenv, _fg_free.

Doing your lib.exe on the old fgp.lib from 1991 (came with ZortechC++
3.0) I see _fg_malloc and _fg_free in both, its in your listing and I
see it as text.
_fg_osmode and _fg_getenv is not in this old fgp.lib. This old fgp.lib
does not work with mars (linking errors), so I like to use the newer

>Are there other libraries that come with flash graphics? Is there an
> fgx.lib? (The reason I say this is 'p' may mean for the pharlap version, not
> the dosx version.)

No, there are no other libs, there is a set of diffrent libs for 16/32 Bit and debug-info included, but fgp.lib is for DOSX, fgw.lib is for pharlab.

What should I do ? Send you the fgp.lib ?
What DOS-Graphics-Library would you recomm ?

May 29, 2001
A text search may find them because they are external references. LIB doesn't look for external references, it looks for exported names.

Look for those names appearing in something else that needs to be linked in.

Werner Hürttlen wrote in message <3B1256D2.745F5576@fz-juelich.de>...
>Hi Walter,
>Walter schrieb:
>> What is zeichnen.hpp?
>sorry for confusion, in it is nothing I use, only fg.h the flashgraphics header file and stdio.h.
>> As far as I know, the _fg_ symbols should be in the fgp.lib library. Try running lib on fgp.lib to generate a .lst file to see what symbols are in there.
>Doing lib.exe on the fgp.lib from 1993 I get no match for the missing
>symbols (_fg_osmode,_fg_malloc, _fg_getenv, _fg_free).
>Doing a text-search in fgp.lib I can see all missing symbols are listed
>as text in the fgp.lib.
>Why does your lib.exe did not find them ?
>Because my program runs, I suppose I do not use these functions/globals _fg_osmode,_fg_malloc, _fg_getenv, _fg_free.
>Doing your lib.exe on the old fgp.lib from 1991 (came with ZortechC++
>3.0) I see _fg_malloc and _fg_free in both, its in your listing and I
>see it as text.
>_fg_osmode and _fg_getenv is not in this old fgp.lib. This old fgp.lib
>does not work with mars (linking errors), so I like to use the newer
>>Are there other libraries that come with flash graphics? Is there an
>> fgx.lib? (The reason I say this is 'p' may mean for the pharlap version,
>> the dosx version.)
>No, there are no other libs, there is a set of diffrent libs for 16/32 Bit and debug-info included, but fgp.lib is for DOSX, fgw.lib is for pharlab.
>What should I do ? Send you the fgp.lib ?
>What DOS-Graphics-Library would you recomm ?

May 29, 2001
Hi Walter,

Walter schrieb:
> A text search may find them because they are external references. LIB doesn't look for external references, it looks for exported names.


> Look for those names appearing in something else that needs to be linked in.
I will look. But I am astonished, because I ordered in 1993 the whole package offered by Zortech consisting of all Flashtek-Products, flashview, flashgraphics and X32. These 3 products make 3 subdirectories, and in the flashgraphic subdirectory you only may see following files:

 Datenträger in Laufwerk V: heißt USER

.              <DIR>                        .
..             <DIR>                        ..
FGH      LIB       187,392  07-29-93  9:48p FGH.LIB
FGO      LIB       140,288  07-29-93 10:02p FGO.LIB
FGDEBUGO LIB       153,600  07-29-93 10:04p FGDEBUGO.LIB
FG       LIB       132,096  07-29-93 10:06p FG.LIB
FGDEBUG  LIB       148,480  07-29-93 10:08p FGDEBUG.LIB
FGDEBUGP LIB       134,656  07-29-93 10:10p FGDEBUGP.LIB
FGP      LIB       119,808  07-29-93 10:13p FGP.LIB
FGDEBUGW LIB       153,600  07-29-93 10:17p FGDEBUGW.LIB
FGW      LIB       138,240  07-29-93 10:21p FGW.LIB
FGDEBUGH LIB       138,240  07-29-93 10:22p FGDEBUGH.LIB
LIB      EXE       616,746  07-30-93 11:27a LIB.EXE       <----- (this
is the archive....not your lib.exe)
        11 Datei(en)             2,063,146 Bytes
         2 Verzeichnis(se)   2,147,221,504 Bytes frei

Hard for me to believe that I need something else, to get it compiled. But I never have tried this 93-version. The old 91-version was ok for me.

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