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DllMain Not Being Executed
Dec 21, 2005
Dec 22, 2005
Dec 24, 2005
Gisle Vanem
Mar 28, 2006
Alex Roschin
Mar 28, 2006
Bertel Brander
Mar 29, 2006
Alex Roschin
Dec 16, 2009
Nic Tiger
Apr 27, 2010
December 21, 2005
Ihave a dll program that compiles with no warnings or errors.  It is compiled
with the options:
dmc.exe -mn -c   -x -WD -w-

and linked with the options:

The calling program uses explicit linking with LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. Both of these functions execute without getting an error.  But the DllMain function is never called.  I put a messagebox in the DllMain function to verify this.

Why isn't the DllMain function being called????

December 22, 2005
In article <doc7a5$2veo$>, JimP says...
>Ihave a dll program that compiles with no warnings or errors.  It is compiled
>with the options:
>dmc.exe -mn -c   -x -WD -w-
>and linked with the options:
>The calling program uses explicit linking with LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. Both of these functions execute without getting an error.  But the DllMain function is never called.  I put a messagebox in the DllMain function to verify this.
>Why isn't the DllMain function being called????

I tried this with the Borland and GCC (MinGW) compilers.  It worked OK with both.  It must be something about the Digital Mars compiler.  An option? Something I am omitting?  Or is it just not executed with explicit linking?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

December 24, 2005
"JimP" <> wrote:

> I tried this with the Borland and GCC (MinGW) compilers.  It worked OK with
> both.  It must be something about the Digital Mars compiler.  An option?
> Something I am omitting?  Or is it just not executed with explicit linking?

How did you declare DllMain()?

March 28, 2006
In article <dojkr4$gum$>, Gisle Vanem says...
>"JimP" <> wrote:
>> I tried this with the Borland and GCC (MinGW) compilers.  It worked OK with both.  It must be something about the Digital Mars compiler.  An option? Something I am omitting?  Or is it just not executed with explicit linking?
>How did you declare DllMain()?

I have the same problem - neither DllMain, nor constructors for global objects are executed. I am making a C++ DLL that should be loaded by LoadLibrary call. Here is a sample code:

// dll.cpp

extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinst,DWORD reason,LPVOID lpReserved)
return TRUE;

// Global object
class TSomeClass
{ public:
int i;
TSomeClass SomeObject;

// Function
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
int CALLBACK DoSomething(int CallMode,LPVOID Data,LPVOID ExtParam)
{ static BOOL FirstCall=TRUE;
{ FirstCall=FALSE;
return 0;

The compiler command line:
c:\prog\dm\bin\dmc.exe dll.cpp -c -mn -WD -Ae -I"c:\prog\dm\include"
Linker command line:
c:\prog\dm\bin\link.exe /DELEXECUTABLE /NODEBUG /EXETYPE:NT dll.obj ,
testdll.dll , , user32.lib kernel32.lib

Everything compiles without errors. When I call LoadLibrary I see neither "DllMain" message, nor "Constructor" message, but function DoSomething executes normally and produces "Function" message at first call.

I tried to add "/ENTRY:_DllMainCRTStartup" linker switch as I've seen in some examples, but nothing changes.

Please tell me what am I doing wrong.

March 28, 2006
Alex Roschin wrote:
> Please tell me what am I doing wrong.

I took my code from:

And changed the source code for the dll to:
#include <windows.h>
#include "mydll.h"

class DllClass
      MessageBox(0, "Hello World", "DllClass", MB_OK);

DllClass DllObject;

__declspec(dllexport) BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
   switch (ul_reason_for_call)
      MessageBox(0, "Something", "DllMain", MB_OK);
   return TRUE;

__declspec(dllexport) int DoSomething(int a, int b)
   return a*b*2;

__declspec(dllexport) Whatever::Whatever(int aX, int aY) : X(aX), Y(aY)

__declspec(dllexport) int Whatever::Get()
   return X*Y;

And build with these commands:
dmc -mn -WD mydll.cpp kernel32.lib
implib.exe /noi mydll.lib mydll.dll
dmc mytest.cpp mydll.lib

And the MessageBox'es popup as expected.

It can be noted that I don't use LoadLibrary, but use the
dll throug a .lib created by implib.exe. I don't know
if it will make any difference.

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March 29, 2006
In article <e0bupn$2v9n$>, Bertel Brander says...
>I took my code from:

Thank you! I've found the thing that caused the problem:

1) When I compile and link the example with the single command (without "-c"
option), everything works fine - I see all message boxes.

2) When I try to compile and to link separately with
dmc.exe -c -mn -WD mydll.cpp
link.exe mydll.obj , testdll.dll , , kernel32.lib
neither DllMain, nor constructor message boxes show up.

I believe that in first case dmc.exe calls link.exe with certain options which I don't know. I tried to play with some, but in vain.

Since the single command build works fine, I think I will use it.

Thanks again.

December 16, 2009
Alex Roschin пишет:

> In article <e0bupn$2v9n$>, Bertel Brander says...
>> I took my code from:
> Thank you! I've found the thing that caused the problem:
> 1) When I compile and link the example with the single command (without "-c"
> option), everything works fine - I see all message boxes. 
> 2) When I try to compile and to link separately with
> dmc.exe -c -mn -WD mydll.cpp
> link.exe mydll.obj , testdll.dll , , kernel32.lib
> neither DllMain, nor constructor message boxes show up. 
> I believe that in first case dmc.exe calls link.exe with certain options which I
> don't know. I tried to play with some, but in vain. 
> Since the single command build works fine, I think I will use it.
> Thanks again.
It seems that OPTLINK will not generate valid DLL when .def is not specified.

DMC.EXE in fact generates simple .DEF and supplies it to linker:

LIBRARY "tasklet.dll"

Neither LIBRARY, nor CODE SHARED cannot be specified with OPTLINK switches, hence I think they (or their absence) are cause of troubles.

Nic Tiger.
April 27, 2010
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