March 18, 2023

Consider this fraction of code Please:

    void createNewOwner(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)     {	
	    writeln("NEW OWNER requests are : -----");
																							writeln(req.files); writeln("==============");

	// TASK EXTRACT the data from the POST variable// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
	// TODO check security with req.form["loginToken"];

	string avatarPath ;

	if( req.files.length != 0) {													
                // HERE we only check if file is supplied...
		// no "existing avatar" yet, as fresh new user.

		auto file = "file" in req.files;

		if (file.filename != "" ) {

		string k = genNonce();												// Generate a random number to ensure there is no conflict

			string rp = req.form["username"].replace(" ", "-").replace("@", "-")~"-"~k~"-"~(" ", "-").replace("@", "-");
																							// replaced spaces with "-" and @ with -, to avoid loading problems
			try {

				moveFile(file.tempPath.toString(), "assets/images/avatars/" ~ rp);			writeln("Uploaded successfully!");
				avatarPath = "/" ~ "assets/images/avatars/" ~ rp;
			} catch (Exception e) {
																							writeln("Exception thrown, trying copy");
				copyFile(file.tempPath.toString(), "assets/images/avatars/" ~ rp);
				avatarPath = "/" ~ "assets/images/avatars/" ~ rp;
	} else {

		avatarPath = "assets/images/avatars/noFace.png";										// Here it is allowed. IF no image, then set a default.

	avatarPath = avatarPath.replace(" ", "");													// should not be needed, but just in case
	avatarPath = avatarPath.replace("@", "-");

	string e2fa = "";
	req.form["en2fa"] == "true" ? (e2fa = "1") : (e2fa = "0");								// converted e2FA to 0 or 1, in string format

	// TASK confirm no conclict // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

	auto check_existingUser = loginRoutines.get_userAllInfo( req.form["username"]);

	if (check_existingUser.length != 0) {														// username already exists.... The only valid value here is 0
																							// = no records. anything  != 0 will be rejected

		res.writeBody("ERROR: 30LX-USEREX. Username existiert schon... Verwenden Sie bitte einen anderen Username.");

	// TASK set entry details // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

	int usrCnt  = loginRoutines.get_userCount();												write("user count is: "); writeln(usrCnt);
	if (usrCnt < 0) {
		res.writeBody("ERROR: 71QM-UKNDBR. Unbekannter Datenbankfehler. Versuchen Sie später erneut.");

	string cntr = to!string(usrCnt +1);														// next item in file.

	string[string] nuInfo ;																	// container for new user Info

	nuInfo["username"] 	= req.form["username"];
	nuInfo["fName"]		= req.form["fName"];
	nuInfo["lName"]		= req.form["lName"];
	nuInfo["avatarPath"]= avatarPath;
	nuInfo["mail"]		= req.form["mail"];
	nuInfo["tel"]		= req.form["tel"];
	nuInfo["mob"]		= req.form["mob"];

	string[string] lgInfo;

	lgInfo["username"]	= req.form["username"];
	lgInfo["role"]		= "owner";
	lgInfo["active"]	= "-1";																	write("going to add signUp line in user dtls : "); writeln(lgInfo);

	string loginInfo = cntr ~ "," ~ req.form["username"] ~ "," ~ "++++++++++++++++++++++" ~ "," ~ e2fa ~ ", 0";
																							// enter new user with supplied 2FA, but set the last field = 0,
																							// as not yet paired.

	// TASK insert the data // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

	bool stat;																				write("going to add signUp line in owner dtls : "); writeln(nuInfo);
	stat = databaseRoutines.add_newRecord(nuInfo, "data/ownerDTLS.db");
																							write("User INFORMATION insertion success : "); writeln(stat);
	if (! stat) {
		res.writeBody("ERROR: 35TG-DTLSER. Das erstellen vom eingegebenen User war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte versuchen sie später erneut.");

	stat = databaseRoutines.add_newRecord(lgInfo, "data/userRoles.db");
																							write("User ROLE insertion success : "); writeln(stat);
	if (! stat) {
		res.writeBody("ERROR: 36TG-ROLEER. Das erstellen vom eingegebenen User war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte versuchen sie später erneut.");

	stat = loginRoutines.write_loginDtls(loginInfo);											write("User login insertion success : "); writeln(stat);
	if (! stat) {
				res.writeBody("ERROR: 37TG-LGINER. Das erstellen vom eingegebenen User war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte versuchen sie später erneut.");

	string command = "bash "~nuInfo["mail"]~" "~nuInfo["mail"];						write("Executing : "); writeln(command);

	auto ml = executeShell("bash "~nuInfo["mail"]~" "~nuInfo["mail"]);					writeln("mail has been sent .... ");

	// TASK create a new file // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

	stat = databaseRoutines.create_newDatabase("data/history-"~req.form["username"]~ ".db", "username, timeString, text, label");
																							write("history file creation success: ");writeln(stat);
	if (! stat) {
		res.writeBody("ERROR: 38TG-NOHSTR. Das erstellen vom eingegebenen User war nicht erfolgreich. Kontaktieren Sie den Administrator.");
	}																						// file at Path with scheme is created

	string[string] hist;

	SysTime nowTime = Clock.currTime();

	string timeStr = 	to!string( ~"." ~
					to!string(nowTime.month) ~"."~
					to!string(nowTime.year) ~"."~ " "~
					to!string(nowTime.hour) ~":"~
					to!string(nowTime.minute) ;

	hist["username"]	= req.form["username"];
	hist["timeString"]	= timeStr;
	hist["text"]		= "User wurde Angelegt";
	hist["label"]		= "2";

	stat = databaseRoutines.add_newRecord(hist, "data/history-"~req.form["username"]~ ".db"); write("history file creation success: ");writeln(stat);

	if (! stat) {
		res.writeBody("ERROR: 39TG-HSTRER. Das erstellen vom eingegebenen User war nicht erfolgreich. Kontaktieren Sie den Administrator.");
	}																						// record added

	res.writeBody("Eine Email wurde versandt, um das Onboarding fertigzustellen. " );


Basically, I am trying to add some Records in a File. It works on my localhost.

But on a VPS server, the program outputs the first writeln line (not even the consequent req.form printouts), then apparently stops for several seconds ( 10 to 16) , and then suddenly starts working again. I see this in the log outputs.

Why does this happen? How can I start debugging?

thank You

March 18, 2023

On 3/18/23 9:36 AM, seany wrote:


But on a VPS server, the program outputs the first writeln line (not even the consequent req.form printouts), then apparently stops for several seconds ( 10 to 16) , and then suddenly starts working again. I see this in the log outputs.

Why does this happen? How can I start debugging?

Before getting into it any further, try flushing output after every writeln.

This is true in D and C too -- if your stdout stream is connected to a log file, it will not flush upon every newline. However, if it's connected to a terminal, it will flush upon every newline.

It's possible it is running just as fast as you expect, but the buffered output has not yet been flushed.

So just add stdout.flush() after every writeln call and see if it helps. If not, then it needs more investigation.
