June 06, 2010
Download from https://sourceforge.net/projects/stlsoft/files/


   *  Change key:                       *
   *                                    *
   *   ~  means something has changed   *
   *   +  means a new addition          *
   *   -  means removal of something    *
   *   *  means a general bullet-point  *
   *                                    *


Changes for 1.9.98 (7th June 2010)


 * added range overload of stlsoft::read_line(), so can read lines from an iterator range
 * added nullptr (C++0x) support for VC++ 10
 * added swap() method to stlsoft::basic_shim_string
 * added 3, 4, 5, and 6-split overloads to stlsoft::split()
 * added sized-string ctor, data() and size() methods, and string access shims (to simplify xTests-based unit-testing, if nothing else) to stlsoft::exception_string
 * added VARIANT_BOOL overload to comstl::method_cast()
 * added platformstl::file_lines empty() method
 * separated PlatformSTL's atomic types into separate file platformstl/synch/atomic_types.h
 * separated UNIXSTL's atomic types into separate file unixstl/synch/atomic_types.h
 * separated WinSTL's atomic types into separate file winstl/synch/atomic_types.h
 * fixed winstl::memory_mapped_file to handle case where an offset is specified but there are 0 remaining bytes in the file to be mapped at that location: constructs an instance with 0 size
 * fixed potential memory leak of format-message-string if windows_exception creation throws an exception
 * moved COMSTL_CCH_GUID to comstl/comstl.h from comstl/shims/access/string/guid.hpp
 * adjusted winstl::drophandle_sequence for Win64 compatibility
 * adjusted winstl::version_info for Win64 compatibility
 * various components no longer rely on operator += of exception_string type, in preparation for 1.10 versions



 ~ stlsoft/containers/frequency_map.hpp:
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ stlsoft/error/error_desc.hpp:
    ~ forwards and backwards compatibility with basic_shim_string

 ~ stlsoft/filesystem/read_line.hpp:
    + added range overload of read_line()

 ~ stlsoft/internal/cccap/msvc.h:
    + added nullptr (C++0x) support for VC++ 10

 ~ stlsoft/smartptr/ref_ptr.hpp:
    ~ formatting

 ~ stlsoft/string/shim_string.hpp:
 ~ stlsoft/string/shim_string_vc5_.hpp:
    + added swap() method

 ~ stlsoft/string/split_functions.hpp:
    + added 5 and 6 split overloads
    + added 3 and 4 split overloads

 ~ stlsoft/util/exception_string.hpp:
    - removed all mutating methods and several constructors, to simplify exception_string: all dependent code should now use exception_string_creator
    + added sized-string constructor
    + string access shims (useful for unit-testing, if nothing else)
    + added data()
    ~ now all member and non-member functions are defined in terms of char_type
    + added size() method

 ~ stlsoft/util/forward_enums.hpp:
    ~ changed all double underscores


 ~ comstl/comstl.h:
    + added COMSTL_PTR_2_REF()
    ~ moved COMSTL_CCH_GUID to comstl/comstl.h from comstl/shims/access/string/guid.hpp

 ~ comstl/conversion/interface_cast.hpp:
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ comstl/conversion/method_cast.hpp:
    + added VARIANT_BOOL overload

 ~ comstl/error/excepinfo_functions.h:
 ~ comstl/shims/access/string/variant.hpp:
 ~ comstl/util/variant.hpp:
    ~ bstr_functions.h -> BSTR_functions.h

 ~ comstl/shims/access/string/guid.hpp:
    ~ moved COMSTL_CCH_GUID to comstl/comstl.h from comstl/shims/access/string/guid.hpp
    ~ bstr_functions.h -> BSTR_functions.h

 ~ comstl/string/bstr.hpp:
    ~ formatting
    ~ bstr_functions.h -> BSTR_functions.h

 ~ comstl/util/guid.hpp:
    ~ adds missing include (to stlsoft/util/std_swap.hpp)


 ~ platformstl/filesystem/file_lines.hpp:
    + added empty() method

 ~ platformstl/synch/atomic_functions.h:
    ~ separated PlatformSTL's atomic types into separate file platformstl/synch/atomic_types.h
    ~ corrected include guard symbols

 ~ platformstl/synch/atomic_types.h:
    ~ separated PlatformSTL's atomic types into separate file platformstl/synch/atomic_types.h


 ~ unixstl/error/exceptions.hpp:
    ~ no longer relies on operator += of exception_string type, in preparation for 1.10 versions

 ~ unixstl/synch/atomic_functions.h:
 ~ unixstl/synch/atomic_types.h:
    ~ separated UNIXSTL's atomic types into separate file unixstl/synch/atomic_types.h


 ~ winstl/dl/dl_call.hpp:
    ~ no longer relies on operator += of exception_string type, in preparation for 1.10 versions

 ~ winstl/error/exceptions.hpp:
    ~ preparation for STLSoft 1.10
    ~ whitespace
    ~ fixed potential memory leak if exception-creation throws an exception
    ~ no longer relies on operator += of exception_string type, in preparation for 1.10 versions

 ~ winstl/filesystem/memory_mapped_file.hpp:
    ~ now handles case where an offset is specified but there are 0 remaining bytes in the file to be mapped at that location: constructs an instance with 0 size

 ~ winstl/performance/threadtimes_counter.hpp:
 ~ winstl/system/system_version.hpp:
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ winstl/shell/drophandle_sequence.hpp:
 ~ winstl/system/version_info.hpp:
    ~ Win64 compatibility

 ~ winstl/synch/atomic_functions.h:
 ~ winstl/synch/atomic_types.h:
 ~ winstl/synch/spin_mutex.hpp:
    ~ separated WinSTL's atomic types into separate file winstl/synch/atomic_types.h
    ~ atomic_int_type is now winstl::atomic_int_t, rather than ws_sint32_t
