October 13, 2010
Download from https://sourceforge.net/projects/stlsoft/files/


   *  Change key:                       *
   *                                    *
   *   ~  means something has changed   *
   *   +  means a new addition          *
   *   -  means removal of something    *
   *   *  means a general bullet-point  *
   *                                    *


14th October 2010 - 1.10.1 alpha 15 (delta)


 * added stlsoft/container/initialised_array.hpp
 * added stlsoft/container/partially_initialised_array.hpp
 * added stlsoft/iterator/associative_eraser_iterator.hpp:
 * added stlsoft/iterator/sorted_eraser_iterator.hpp:
 * added stlsoft/iterator/unsorted_eraser_iterator.hpp:
 * added stlsoft/string/replace_functions.hpp
 * added stlsoft/synch/refcount_policies.hpp
 * added stlsoft/synch/refcount_policies/refcount_policy_single_threaded.hpp
 * added stlsoft/tr1/nullptr.hpp
 * added stlsoft/util/bit_functions.h:
 * added stlsoft/util/bits/count_functions.h:
 * added stlsoft/util/bits/xor_functions.h:
 * added stlsoft/util/exception_string_creator.hpp
 * added stlsoft/util/string_switch.hpp
 * added winstl/filesystem/file_seek_functions.h:
 * added winstl/filesystem/file_size_functions.h:
 * added winstl/filesystem/handles/memory_mapped_file_view_handle.hpp:
 * added winstl/filesystem/handles/os_file_handle.hpp:
 * added winstl/system/temporary_directory.hpp
 * added try_string_to_<>() function suite (stlsoft/conversion/string_to_integer.hpp)
 * added flush(), seek_from_start(), seek_relative(), seek_from(), and tell() to FILE_stream
 * added swap() to shim_string
 * added equal() to simple_string
 * added swap() to string_slice
 * added substr() to string_view
 * performance improvements to string_view
 * added data(), size(), swap(), and sized-string constructor to exception_string
 * added comstl_C_BSTR_len() / comstl::added BSTR_len()
 * added platformstl::thread_shareable_FILE_stream
 * added platformstl/synch/refcount_policies.hpp
 * added platformstl/synch/refcount_policies/refcount_policy_multi_threaded.hpp
 * added winstl_C_file_create_file_a/w(), winstl_C_file_create_always_a/w(), winstl_C_file_open_existing_a/w(), winstl_C_file_create_file(), winstl_C_file_create_always(), winstl_C_file_open_existing(), file_create_file(), file_create_always(), and file_open_existing(); deprecated winstl__open_file_read_shared_a/w(), winstl__open_file_exclusive_a/w(), open_file_read_shared(), and open_file_exclusive()
 * added winstl/filesystem/handles/memory_mapped_file_view_handle.hpp
 * added winstl/filesystem/handles/os_file_handle.hpp
 * added winstl/filesystem/memory_map_functions.h



 ~ stlsoft/algorithm/literal_copy.hpp:
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/algorithm/reverse/reverse_find_if.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/algorithm/reverse_algorithms.hpp:
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 + stlsoft/container/initialised_array.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/container/layered_map.hpp:
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup

 + stlsoft/container/partially_initialised_array.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/container/pod_vector.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    - trimming out old file-management comments information

 ~ stlsoft/conversion/integer_to_array.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/conversion/integer_to_hex_string.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/conversion/string_to_integer.hpp:
    ~ now handles unsigned correctly (by refusing '-')
    + added try_string_to_<>() function suite
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/conversion/truncation_cast.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/filesystem/FILE_stream.hpp:
    ~ currently only wide-string for VC++
    ~ reference count integer type is now parameterisable
    ~ refactored platformstl::file to stlsoft::FILE_stream, and moved from platformstl/filesystem/file.hpp to stlsoft/filesystem/FILE_stream.hpp
    ~ renamed platformstl::file to platformstl::FILE_stream, and moved from platformstl/filesystem/file.hpp to platformstl/filesystem/FILE_stream.hpp
    ~ renamed file_handle to FILE_handle
    ~ VC++ 9 compatibility
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    + added flush()
    + added seek_from_start()
    + added seek_relative()
    + added seek_from()
    + added tell()
    ~ reports non-normative behaviour via exceptions
    ~ init_() is better name than create_(), because the latter might imply that an file will be created (which it might, but that's to do with "w", not the function name)

 ~ stlsoft/filesystem/handles/FILE_stream_handle.hpp:
    ~ reference count integer type is now parameterisable
    ~ renamed platformstl::file_handle to stlsoft::FILE_stream_handle, and moved fromplatformstl/filesystem/file_handle.hpp  to stlsoft/filesystem/handles/FILE_stream_handle.hpp
    ~ renamed file_handle to FILE_handle
    + added overloads of get_FILE_ptr() shim
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ stlsoft/functional/bit_operations.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/iterator/FILE_iterator.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 + stlsoft/iterator/associative_eraser_iterator.hpp:
    ~ VC++ compatibility
    ~ corrected dates/copyright to actual research files originally created

 + stlsoft/iterator/sorted_eraser_iterator.hpp:
    ~ VC++ compatibility
    ~ corrected dates/copyright to actual research files originally created

 + stlsoft/iterator/unsorted_eraser_iterator.hpp:
    ~ VC++ compatibility
    ~ corrected dates/copyright to actual research files originally created

 ~ stlsoft/meta/is_printf_type.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/quality/contract.h:

 ~ stlsoft/smartptr/scoped_method.hpp:
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ stlsoft/stlsoft_1_10.h:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols

 + stlsoft/string/replace_functions.hpp:
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/string/shim_string.hpp:
    ~ workaround for Borland bad-code generation
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    + added swap() method

 ~ stlsoft/string/simple_string.hpp:
    ~ string_traits<> specialisation for basic_simple_string now works with any basic_simple_string<C, T, A> specialisation permutation, rather than just basic_simple_string<C>
    ~ fix to defect in assign(cc*, size_t)
    + added equal() method
    ~ improved performance of operator ==/!=, by implementing in terms of equal()
    ~ no longer allocates anything when asked to create a string of zero-length
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    - trimming out old file-management comments information

 ~ stlsoft/string/slice/container_functions.hpp:
    ~ refactored string slice functions, moving container functions to stlsoft/string/slice/container_functions.hpp (from stlsoft/string/container_slice_functions.hpp) and view functions to stlsoft/string/slice/view_functions.hpp (from stlsoft/string/view_slice_functions.hpp)
    ~ moving helper functions into helper namespace (namespace ximpl_stlsoft_string_slice_view_)
    - removal of STLSOFT_UNITTEST conditional code

 ~ stlsoft/string/slice/view_functions.hpp:
    ~ refactored string slice functions, moving container functions to stlsoft/string/slice/container_functions.hpp (from stlsoft/string/container_slice_functions.hpp) and view functions to stlsoft/string/slice/view_functions.hpp (from stlsoft/string/view_slice_functions.hpp)
    ~ moving helper functions into helper namespace (namespace ximpl_stlsoft_string_slice_view_)
    - removal of STLSOFT_UNITTEST conditional code
    ~ compatibility with character arrays

 ~ stlsoft/string/slice_functions.hpp:
    ~ refactored string slice functions, moving container functions to stlsoft/string/slice/container_functions.hpp (from stlsoft/string/container_slice_functions.hpp) and view functions to stlsoft/string/slice/view_functions.hpp (from stlsoft/string/view_slice_functions.hpp)
    ~ moving helper functions into helper namespace (namespace ximpl_stlsoft_string_slice_view_)
    - removal of STLSOFT_UNITTEST conditional code

 ~ stlsoft/string/static_string.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    - trimming out old file-management comments information

 ~ stlsoft/string/string_registry.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/string/string_slice.hpp:
    + added swap() method (and non-member function)
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ fixed c_str_data(_a|_w)() when slice is empty

 ~ stlsoft/string/string_view.hpp:
    + added coverage markers
    + added substr()
    ~ improved comparison algorithm
    ~ performance improvement in equal(class_type const&) method

 ~ stlsoft/synch/refcount_policies.hpp:
    + added stlsoft/synch/refcount_policies.hpp
    ~ renamed file_handle to FILE_handle
    + added overloads of get_FILE_ptr() shim
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ stlsoft/synch/refcount_policies/refcount_policy_single_threaded.hpp:
    ~ reference count integer type is now parameterisable
    + added stlsoft/synch/refcount_policies/refcount_policy_single_threaded.hpp
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup

 + stlsoft/tr1/nullptr.hpp:
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/tr1/smartptr/scoped_ptr.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup

 + stlsoft/util/bit_functions.h:
    ~ refactored into sub-directory
    + added XOR functions

 + stlsoft/util/bits/count_functions.h:
    ~ refactored into sub-directory

 + stlsoft/util/bits/xor_functions.h:
    + added XOR functions

 ~ stlsoft/util/dimensionof.h:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/util/exception_string.hpp:
    ~ CodeWarrior compatibility
    ~ abstract the accessing of the payload, in preparation for refactoring
    + added swap()
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup
    ~ shims
    ~ operator +()
    ~ initial shared implementation check-in
    + added sized-string constructor
    + string access shims (useful for unit-testing, if nothing else)
    + added data()
    ~ now all member and non-member functions are defined in terms of char_type
    + added size() method

 + stlsoft/util/exception_string_creator.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/util/has_bom.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/util/rand.hpp:
    ~ 64-bit compatibility
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 + stlsoft/util/string_switch.hpp:
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ stlsoft/view/transforming/random_access_transforming_view_base.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    - trimming out old file-management comments information
    ~ documentation markup


 ~ atlstl/automation/property_method_helpers.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    - trimming out old file-management comments information


 ~ comstl/auto/functions.h:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ comstl/shims/access/string/GUID.hpp:
    ~ much simplified, by implementing in terms of comstl/util/GUID_functions.h
    ~ changed file name from guid.hpp to GUID.hpp
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ moved COMSTL_CCH_GUID to comstl/comstl.h from comstl/shims/access/string/guid.hpp
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ comstl/shims/access/string/VARIANT.hpp:
    ~ workaround for Borland code-generation error
    ~ changed file name from variant.hpp to VARIANT.hpp
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ comstl/string/BSTR_functions.h:
    + added comstl_C_BSTR_len()
    + added BSTR_len()
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ comstl/typelib/TypeInfo_resource_scope.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ comstl/typelib/functions.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols

 + comstl/util/GUID_functions.h:
    ~ implemented comstl_C_GUID_compare() in terms of comstl_C_GUID_to_string_w()
    ~ contracts
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    + added comstl_C_GUID_binary_compare()
    + added comstl_C_GUID_to_string(_A|_W)()
    + added GUID_binary_compare()
    + added GUID_to_string()
    + added comstl_C_GUID_from_string(_A|_W) & GUID_from_string

 ~ comstl/util/VARIANT_functions.h:
    ~ updated to use new, standards-conformant, BSTR functions
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)


 ~ mfcstl/shims/attribute/get_synch_handle.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)


 ~ platformstl/filesystem/FILE_stream.hpp:
    + added platformstl::thread_shareable_FILE_stream
    ~ renamed platformstl::file to platformstl::FILE_stream, and moved from platformstl/filesystem/file.hpp to platformstl/filesystem/FILE_stream.hpp
    ~ renamed file_handle to FILE_handle
    ~ VC++ 9 compatibility
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    + added flush()
    + added seek_from_start()
    + added seek_relative()
    + added seek_from()
    + added tell()
    ~ reports non-normative behaviour via exceptions
    ~ init_() is better name than create_(), because the latter might imply that an file will be created (which it might, but that's to do with "w", not the function name)

 ~ platformstl/filesystem/path.hpp:
    ~ ensures push_ext() is wide-string compatible
    ~ updated to use new, standards-conformant, names
    ~ updated to use new, standards-conformant, names
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ platformstl/filesystem/properties_file.hpp:
    - removed unncessary include
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ platformstl/synch/refcount_policies.hpp:
    + added platformstl/synch/refcount_policies.hpp
    ~ renamed file_handle to FILE_handle
    + added overloads of get_FILE_ptr() shim
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ platformstl/synch/refcount_policies/refcount_policy_multi_threaded.hpp:
    + added platformstl/synch/refcount_policies/refcount_policy_multi_threaded.hpp
    ~ renamed file_handle to FILE_handle
    + added overloads of get_FILE_ptr() shim
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup


 ~ unixstl/filesystem/path.hpp:
    ~ updated to use new, standards-conformant, names
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)


 ~ winstl/filesystem/file_creation_functions.h:
    ~ exception-specifications
    ~ 64-bit discrimination
    + added winstl_C_file_create_file_a/w()
    + added winstl_C_file_create_always_a/w()
    + added winstl_C_file_open_existing_a/w()
    + added winstl_C_file_create_file()
    + added winstl_C_file_create_always()
    + added winstl_C_file_open_existing()
    + added file_create_file()
    + added file_create_always()
    + added file_open_existing()
    ~ deprecated winstl__open_file_read_shared_a/w()
    ~ deprecated winstl__open_file_exclusive_a/w()
    ~ deprecated open_file_read_shared()
    ~ deprecated open_file_exclusive()

 + winstl/filesystem/file_seek_functions.h:
    ~ exception-specifications
    ~ 64-bit discrimination

 + winstl/filesystem/file_size_functions.h:
    ~ Borland compatibility
    ~ exception-specifications
    ~ 64-bit discrimination
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 + winstl/filesystem/handles/memory_mapped_file_view_handle.hpp:
    + added winstl/filesystem/handles/memory_mapped_file_view_handle.hpp

 + winstl/filesystem/handles/os_file_handle.hpp:
    + added winstl/filesystem/handles/os_file_handle.hpp

 ~ winstl/filesystem/memory_map_functions.h:
    ~ preserving last-error information
    ~ refactoring by coalescing readonly and readwrite implementations
    + added winstl_C_map_readwrite_view_of_file_by_handle()
    + added map_readwrite_view_of_file_by_handle()
    + added non-size (=== give me everything) overloads of map_readonly_view_of_file_by_name()
    + ported from memory_mapped_file
    - no longer supports compilers that do not have native 64-bit integers
    ~ final refactoring, ready for splitting in STLSoft 1.10
    ~ more refactoring
    ~ more refactoring
    ~ now allows for offset+requestSize for both 32-bit and 64-bit operation
    ~ benign chance of casting syntax, in order to support forthcoming separation into (C) source files in STLSoft 1.10
    ~ now handles case where an offset is specified but there are 0 remaining bytes in the file to be mapped at that location: constructs an instance with 0 size

 ~ winstl/filesystem/path.hpp:
    ~ updated to use new, standards-conformant, names
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ winstl/process/functions.h:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ winstl/synch/exceptions.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)
    ~ documentation markup

 ~ winstl/synch/wait_functions.hpp:
    ~ 64-bit compatibility
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 + winstl/system/temporary_directory.hpp:
    + added temporary_directory

 ~ winstl/window/relationship_functions.h:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ winstl/window/search_functions.hpp:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

 ~ winstl/window/text_functions.h:
    ~ now makes deprecated the use of contra-standard namespace suppression pre-processor symbols
    ~ correct include (for STLSoft 1.10 alpha)

Makefiles / Project-files:

 ~ updated to include all new tests
 + added VC++ 10


 + added many new tests


 + added many new tests
