October 28, 2010
== Quote from Bruno Medeiros (brunodomedeiros+spam@com.gmail)'s article
> I so wished there was a ANTLR based parser for D, or at least an ANTLR grammar.

I remember seeing some talk in the D newsgroups over the years about the desire for an ANTLR file for D. After a quick search of Wiki4D, I found this: http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?GrammarParsers#ANTLR-D

That lead me to the ANLTR-D project at dsource.org.

This was the most useful-looking file that I found in SVN: http://www.dsource.org/projects/antlrd/browser/toys/v3d/parsed.g:

/** A parser for D v1.
  * It's a little loose in parsing declarations, as correctly discerning
  * a function header is complicated, and it's a bit smarter than DMD in a few
  * other places. It can pick out some expression/declaration ambiguities and
  * mark them as such, and it allows mixins to begin expressions.
  * Ambiguities between types and expressions are not caught, and always default
  * to types.

(I don't know have any idea whether it's too out-of-date to be useful or whether something else might be wrong with it.)

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