August 13, 2011
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Changes for 1.9.109 (13th August 2011)


 * added rbegin()/rend() to stlsoft::frequency_map<>
 * added push_n() to stlsoft::frequency_map<>
 * refactored throw statement(s) in terms of STLSOFT_THROW_X() throughout
 * added reset() method to stlsoft::shared_ptr<>
 * added various STLSoft deprecation macros
 * added is_path_rooted(), is_path_absolute(), and is_path_UNC() methods to unixstl::filesystem_traits<>
 * added two-parameters overloads of is_path_rooted(), is_path_absolute(), and is_path_UNC() methods to winstl::filesystem_traits<>
 * include/winstl/error/error_functions.h: substantial refactoring of format_message()-family of functions (and their C analogues)



 ~ include/stlsoft/containers/frequency_map.hpp:
    + added push_n() (rudimentary implementation)
    ~ trivial changes
    ~ trivial changes
    + added rbegin()/rend()

 ~ include/stlsoft/conversion/truncation_cast.hpp:
 ~ include/stlsoft/error/throw_policies.hpp:
    ~ refactored throw statement(s) in terms of STLSOFT_THROW_X()

 ~ include/stlsoft/functional/composite_predicates.hpp:
    ~ trivial formatting changes
    ~ documentation changes

 ~ include/stlsoft/smartptr/shared_ptr.hpp:
    + added reset() method

 ~ include/stlsoft/stlsoft.h:

 ~ include/stlsoft/string/string_view.hpp:
    ~ trivial formatting changes


 ~ include/comstl/collections/enumeration_policies.hpp:
 ~ include/comstl/error/bad_interface_cast.hpp:
    ~ trivial formatting changes

 ~ include/comstl/string/bstr.hpp:
 ~ include/comstl/util/value_policies.hpp:
 ~ include/comstl/util/variant.hpp:
    ~ refactored throw statement(s) in terms of STLSOFT_THROW_X()


 ~ include/rangelib/algorithms.hpp:
 ~ include/rangelib/integral_range.hpp:
    ~ refactored throw statement(s) in terms of STLSOFT_THROW_X()


 ~ include/unixstl/filesystem/directory_functions.hpp:
    ~ trivial formatting changes
    ~ "safe string" compatibility

 ~ include/unixstl/filesystem/filesystem_traits.hpp:
    + added is_path_rooted() method
    + added is_path_absolute() method
    + added is_path_UNC() method
    ~ widestring uses iswalpha()
    ~ simplification/separation of Windows-emulation code
    ~ corrected maximum-path length calculation(s)

 ~ include/unixstl/system/system_traits.hpp:
    ~ "safe string" compatibility
    + added implementations of str_n_compare_no_case() when emulating UNIX on Windows


 ~ include/winstl/error/error_desc.hpp:
    ~ reimplemented to new overload of format_message(), specifying flags to more precisely control behaviour
    ~ use of FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS to resolve strings with inserts
    ~ application of new STLSoft deprecation features
    ~ trivial formatting changes

 ~ include/winstl/error/error_functions.h:
    ~ renamed winstl_C_fmtmsg_find_last_good_a/w__ to winstl_C_fmtmsg_elide_message_a/w_
    + added winstl_C_format_message_from_module_to_allocated_buffer_a()
    + added winstl_C_format_message_from_module_to_allocated_buffer()
    + added new overload of format_message()
    ~ applying new deprecation macros
    ~ conditional elision of period
    ~ deprecated functions
    ~ reimplementing in terms of new functions
    + added winstl_C_FormatMessageA_INVOKE_for_alloc_()
    + added winstl_C_FormatMessageW_INVOKE_for_alloc_()
    + winstl_C_FormatMessageA_INVOKE_in_buffer_()
    + winstl_C_FormatMessageW_INVOKE_in_buffer_()
    ~ trivial formatting changes

 ~ include/winstl/error/exceptions.hpp:
    ~ uses new format_message() function(s)

 ~ include/winstl/filesystem/directory_functions.hpp:
    ~ corrected maximum-path length calculation(s)
    ~ trivial formatting changes

 ~ include/winstl/filesystem/file_path_buffer.hpp:
    ~ trivial change

 ~ include/winstl/filesystem/filesystem_traits.hpp:
    + added two-parameter overload of is_path_absolute()
    + added two-parameter overload of is_path_rooted()
    + added two-parameter overload of is_path_UNC()
    ~ refactored internal implementation methods
    ~ corrected maximum-path length calculation(s)

 ~ include/winstl/filesystem/memory_mapped_file.hpp:
    ~ VC++ 9 compatibility
    ~ corrected behaviour (and updated class invariant) for non-exception compilation
    ~ now initialises m_lastStatusCode, so can be used in invariant
    ~ removed all possible uses of word 'error' and replaced with 'status code'

 ~ include/winstl/shims/access/string/time.hpp:
    ~ avoiding warnings (due to compiler not being able to see that STLSOFT_THROW_X() actually throws an exception, so the subsequent return is fatuous)
    ~ refactored throw statement(s) in terms of STLSOFT_THROW_X()

 ~ include/winstl/system/system_traits.hpp:
    ~ corrected maximum-path length calculation(s)
    ~ pedantic change from HINSTANCE to HMODULE

 ~ include/winstl/winstl.h:
    ~ now issues #error if compiling with WIN64 defined absent definition of _WIN64

September 10, 2011
Thanks for the library and the update!

Browsing the docs, I've noticed that there's a bug in the documentation for rangelib::random_range /* */.

The output stream argument to std::ostream_iterator is missing in the below:
stlsoft::r_copy(r, std::ostream_iterator<int>(" "));

Also, when compiling with no extra flags or preprocessor definitions the namespace qualifier on random_range is recognized by GCC only when changed to rangelib.

The following complete example compiles and works correctly:

#include <rangelib/algorithms.hpp>
#include <rangelib/random_range.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>

int main()
  // Create a range of 10 values, whose value are between -100 and +100
  rangelib::random_range r(10, -100, +100);
  std::ostream_iterator<int> out_it (std::cout, " ");
  // Dump them to stdout
  rangelib::r_copy(r, out_it);

