January 16, 2018
I have a class Foo, which has functions a(), b(), and c().
I have a class Bar that has baz, an instance of Foo.
How do I link Bar.b() -> baz.b() without also linking Foo.a() and Foo.c()?
I know we can do an alias this, but I only want to link over b().
January 16, 2018
On 01/16/2018 11:00 AM, ARaspiK wrote:
> I have a class Foo, which has functions a(), b(), and c().
> I have a class Bar that has baz, an instance of Foo.
> How do I link Bar.b() -> baz.b() without also linking Foo.a() and Foo.c()?
> I know we can do an alias this, but I only want to link over b().

Why not show it with code? :) Is the following accurate and sufficient?

class Foo {
    void a() {

    void b() {

    void c() {

class Bar {
    Foo baz;

    this() {
        baz = new Foo();

    void b() {

void main() {
    auto b = new Bar();
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, b.a()));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, b.c()));
